The skin under the fingertips is like sucking his fingers, so that he can't help but want to touch more, from the waist a little forward, sliding to the innocent flat belly, in her navel Go out and forget. Eight?? One Chinese network W=W≠W≈. ≈8=1≠Z=W≥. ≥COM

Jun couldn't help but hold her tighter and tighter, slightly lowering her head, resting her chin on her neck and feeling her body fragrance.

It has a bitter bitter scent, but it is more attractive than any fragrant powder.

The innocent little body is completely in the arms of the king, and every inch of her body is closely attached to him. With a slight breath, the clusters of sparks will be lit on the body of the unmedicated body.

not enough……

not enough……

Jun's hands without medicine, quietly slipped to the body of the innocent, this feeling makes the drug almost suffocating.

The lightness of the fabric under the palm of the hand made Jun feel the abnormal irritability. Suddenly, he grabbed the clothes of the innocent, the palm of his hand was slightly applied, and the thin cloth was torn in an instant.

A coolness filled the body behind the innocent, she moved subconsciously, and leaned back to the warm source behind her.

With a little movement, the smooth skin is stuck on the palm of my medicine!

Jun has no medicine and tightly holds the innocent, the commotion of the lower abdomen and the small buttocks of the innocent slightly smothered together, without a barrier of clothing, the feeling of madness is more obvious.

Jun's eyes were deep and turbid, and he half-squinted and kissed the neck of the innocent, but one hand greeted the innocent skin with greed.

The wet kiss, a little bit on the sensitive skin of the neck, the burst of numbness passed to the body of the innocent, her eyebrows slightly wrinkled, in the moment when Jun had no medicine to bite her earlobe, The eyes of the innocent are suddenly opened!

When Jun Nothing woke up, I noticed the strangeness. The hot touch behind her made her slightly glimpse, and the one that surprised her the most was the hot feeling of the buttocks.

"You..." Although the emotional intelligence is not high, but she is also a doctor, the anatomy of the male body is countless, and naturally understand the physiological common sense of the human body, only for a moment, the face of the innocent It was so popular that she had a panic in her cold eyes, and she looked at Jun’s lack of medicine and wanted to say something.

However, the king who had already been deeply immersed in it had no medicine, but he did not have the opportunity to open the door to the innocent. He directly propped up the upper body and put his hands on both sides of the head of the innocent, violently bowing his head and sealing the piece of the innocent. A small mouth that opens slightly.

The fiery tongue broke into the innocent mouth, and the overbearing chased her ****, entangled and stirred.

The whole person is stunned by the innocent, and the breath is completely a drug-free taste. The small body is covered by his tall figure. It is obvious that he can lift his hand and push him away, but the numbness of the body makes it The brain that has always been calm and innocent has become chaotic, and there is a blank in the mind.

Grabbing everything that belongs to her, Jun was unmoved and uneasy, and he raised his hand and took the little hand that was placed on the side of the body.

The innocent breath stopped at this moment, and her eyes were slightly enlarged.

"Little evil child ... help me ..." Jun no medicine slightly raised his head, half-squinting eyes with a trace of confusion, low-pitched voice, ringing in the ears of the innocent, swaying her heart lake.

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