Jun no evil swallowed swallowing water...


A knock on the door broke the chaos of this moment. In August 1st, the text network? W≥W=W≠. ≤8≥1≤Z≤W≥. ≤C≤O≠M

Jun was innocent and shocked. He just wanted to get up, but he was pressured by Jun.

With a bit of painful voice overflowing from the mouth of Jun’s medicine, "Wait a minute."

The low and **** voice was never heard of the innocent, and the voice was full of pain.

Jun did not dare to move, can only be lying on the bed honestly, the sound of knocking on the door outside the door sounded from time to time.

Jun has no medicine to close his eyes, and the crystal clear sweat slides down his knife-like cheeks, dripping on the collar of the innocent, some hot.

After a while, Jun’s breathlessness returned to normal. He stood up and looked at the innocence lying under him. The sun shone through the window and the faint eyes seemed to be innocent. There was a layer of halo on his body.

Jun took a deep breath and took a sigh of relief. He didn't dare to look at her.

The gentleman started slowly from the bed, she was only now, she was already undressed, the torn clothes could not cover her body, she was holding a quilt with a red face Looking at the bed sitting on the bed, there is no medicine.

Jun got rid of the medicine and took out a piece of clothing from the side of the closet and handed it to the innocent. The innocent and silently changed the clothes on her body. Her eyes always fell on the body of the medicine, but she saw him. Always facing away from her, she even bowed her head when she handed over her clothes, and dared not look straight into her eyes.

Somehow, the anomaly of shame in the innocent heart disappeared quietly, and a smile suddenly climbed into the corner of her mouth.

Knocking on the door still disturbed the two people, and the emperor changed his clothes and brought the ******** back to his face. Then he went to the front door and opened the door.

Outside the door, standing, it is a person who can't think of the innocence.

"I haven't seen you for a long time." The ancient shadow stood in the door of the innocent, and the face of Zhang Junmei had a bright smile, but the eyes that were slightly picked up were filled with strong bloodthirsty light.

Jun Wuxie did not think that the ancient shadow would appear here. When facing anyone other than Jun, her mind was calm enough. There was no trace of her face on her face. She just looked at the ancient image coldly: "Is there something?"

The ancient shadow smiled slightly, and the eyes that were squinting were swept across the face of the innocent, as if they wanted to see every detail on her face.

"Jun no? Or, should I call you a monarch?"

The eyes of the innocent are slightly picked up.

The ancient shadow chuckled aloud: "It’s still the same as before, your eyes are still so beautiful, this temper is exactly the same as before, but I am very curious, if I tell your identity to others, do you think you are Can you still walk out of this Jinghong Hall? Well? Allies of Lingyao Temple?" The tone of the ancient shadows rose slightly, with a hint of laziness and teasing.

In the moment when the ancient shadows tell the three words of the Lingyao Temple, Jun has no understanding of everything.

She did not expect that the son-in-law would simply go to this point, even the identity of their pedestrians burst into the shadow.

There is a sneer in the heart of the innocent, but the face is still cold.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand."

The ancient shadow smiled low. "I don't understand? It doesn't matter. We have time to let you know how to understand."

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