Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1758: Stupid 1

After that, Qiao Chu and Hua Yan carried out a seemingly fierce duel, borrowed the contest hall of Jinghong Hall, and avoided everyone. The flower buds took the opportunity to take the shell out of the shell, and Qiao Chu made various kinds in the contest. Fighting voices confuse the teenagers outside the competition. August 1st? Wen? Network W (a) W (a) W?. ?8 (eight) 1 (eight) ZW. COM

The two were born because of the "combat" in the previous fight, so it would not be suspicious at all.

And all of this is to make the plan seamless, even if the **** temple and the Zhulong Temple send people to trace the matter, they will never get the answer they want, because Jun has no evil. Have already prepared a game without them!

Jun Wuxue knows that there will be no conclusions about this time, but the thorns in this heart have been buried in the Three Halls.

The death of the only son of the Dragon Temple is definitely not so easy.

The chaos of the Twelve Halls will begin from this moment.

Jun No Evil has no interest in continuing to watch, she quietly turned around, and finally looked at the shadow of the shadow in the hall.

This right is the fairness for the return of Vatican, and the vengeance of the father is not shared!

In the chaotic hall, no one noticed the innocent departure.

Zizi was brought back to the room by the night, and her mouth was stunned by the night, no matter how she struggled, she could not break free from the night.

After coming out of the main hall, Jun Wuji came directly to the room of Zizi. In the room, Zizi constantly kicked the night and wanted to break free from the bondage. The face of night alone was extremely ugly, and he was killed by his own hands. The woman, who was alone in the night, bundled her son and helped her handkerchief so that she could neither move nor speak.

The child was tied to a chair, and her eyes were already congested. When she saw Jun Wu came in, she forced herself to break free of her bondage, and her mouth continued to sing, and she looked at the innocent eyes. Full of incredible.

The gentleman walked slowly into the room, closed the door, and sat down on the chair. During the period, the child's **** eyes did not leave her half-point.

"Hey! Hey!" The child continually made a vague voice, leaning forward with a strong body, standing alone behind her and frowning slightly, and reaching out to give her back.

Jun no evil, but suddenly raised his hand, stopped the action of the night, but said: "Give her loose."

The night is so lonely that the fool can see that the current son-in-law has no good face for the innocent. At this time, the person is given away... The night is a little hesitant, and he subconsciously looks at the queen behind the innocent Without medicine, Jun nodded to him slightly, and he was stunned by the night, and some depressed ones untied the **** of the child.

"Surname of the surname! How can you be so shameless!" The son-in-law just regained his freedom, and he stood up in abruptly, violently rushing toward the monarch, and one hand was lifted high, and he was looking towards the king. Innocent face greeted.

However, before I met the ignorance of the innocent, a strong force, I slammed into the abdomen of the child, and instantly smashed the whole person out.

"If you are tired, I can fulfill you." Jun stood behind the innocent, and the black mist that was brewing in his hand was quietly surging.

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