Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1759: Stupid 2

The child fell heavily on the ground, and a blood spurted out of her mouth. She wandered on the ground, her **** face slowly lifted, her eyes filled with tears but there was hatred, and she died. Staring at the innocent. ?? Bayi? Chinese W? W (a) W. 81ZW. COM

"I know that I am not your opponent, but your surname, your shamelessness, will soon be noticed by people. People like you are not worthy of alliance with His Royal Highness!" The son did not dare to think back, in the hall, the shadow That bleak back.

Such a gentle and sunny teenager, but hard-boiled by the king, no evil to the land of eternal annihilation, this kind of vicious mind, people shudder.

"Despicable and shameless?" Jun slightly raised his eyebrows. She looked at the shackles on the ground, vomiting blood, listening to the shackles in the mouth, suddenly, the innocent mouth evoked a smile, her There was a chuckle in the mouth.

The laughter made the child stunned instantly.

She has never seen Jun Wuxiao laugh, this is the first time.

"Zi, do you forget your identity? Or do you want me to go back and tell you your Highness, because you fell in love with the Lord of the Bloody Temple, so he will not hesitate to expose himself and Lingyao Temple, but also to me. Tell your plan to sell to the ancient shadow?" Jun no evil eyes slightly picked up, the child's stupidity, really made her feel ridiculous.

The child is slightly stunned.

Jun is innocent: "Zi Zi, you are a disciple of Lingyao Temple. I need you to remind you why the Lingyao Temple can only hide in the hills. Why are the disciples of your Lingyao Temple not even dare to step outside? Why are you all day long? Have to hide in the cave, and steal it?"

When Jun said nothing, he stood up from the chair. She walked up to the front of her son, squatted down, and smacked her chin with her fingers, forcing her son to look up and look at her eyes.

"How many sisters and sisters have you killed in the Twelve Temples? You have now told me that I designed the shadows to be shameless? I don't know, you are kind, even have mercy on your enemies. Um?" The sound of the innocent is very light, but the sound falls into the ears of the child, but she can't stop shaking.

The daughter's lips fluttered slightly, and after a long silence, they stammered: "The ancient son...the ancient son is different!" He said, the son-in-law had the courage to slap the innocent hand!

"The ancient son is different from the twelve temples! He is very kind and gentle. Even if he knows my identity, he has not done anything to hurt me! He even wants to protect me and keep me secret." "Zhu's voice is constantly improving. She seems to be convinced that she is innocent, more like to convince herself.

The innocent words made her feel scared. She did not consider the possibility of exposing the Lingyao Temple to the shadow of the ancient movie, which may bring disaster to the temple, but she did not dare to think like this. She firmly believes that the ancient shadow is different, she I believe that the ancient movie will never do anything to hurt her and Ling Yao Temple.

"Goodness? Gentle?" Jun no evil laughed, she was the first time to listen to people, using these two ridiculous words to depict a killer boy.

"You really should go outside and take a walk. You know why the ancient movie was asked to leave by the Yunxiao Academy?" Jun Nothing asked.

Zi Yan shook his head.

Jun No Evil squinted his eyes: "Because he was digging a girl's eyes in Yunxiao College, just because... he thought the eyes were beautiful."

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