Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1805: Turning around Qiankun 3

"Hua Xuedan? What is this?" The eyes of the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple have become seriously serious. The things accumulated by the war family have always made him very concerned, although the shadow elders have already given a lot, but he still knows In the hands of the shadow elders, there are many treasures, and these things have always been the most concerned about the Lord of the Shadows. August 1? Chinese W=W≠W=. ≤81ZW. COM

Jun has no evil: "Hua Xuedan can nourish qi and blood, adjust the tendons, and is most suitable for body-building. The disciples have heard that their high-spirited body is uncomfortable, and they have specially sought this prescription from the shadow elders, only because some herbs in the prescription are difficult to find. So I haven’t been able to refine it. Fortunately, when I went to the Jinghong Hall, I had the few herbs that were missing. Now I have just refining myself. I heard about my Royal Highness last night, so my disciple was in a hurry and wanted to make Xuedan. With His Highness, he will escape from the dungeon and ask His Royal Highness to redeem."

The sound of the innocent is not warm, the words are clear, and after a while, the atmosphere in the entire hall has been completely changed.

The anger on the face of the Shadow Moon Temple has disappeared silently, and replaced by a strange color.

The innocent words made everyone in the room stunned. Everyone thought that Jun escaped from the dungeons. He was dissatisfied with the discipline. Before the elders said, they just found an excuse, even if they wanted to offer anything. I am afraid that it is also a perfunctory move, but the sacrifice of the innocent, even the sacrifice is the ancient secret recipe of the war family, and it is the condition of the Lord of the Shadow Moon Palace!

In this way, Jun Wuxie fled the dungeon yesterday and became very excusable.

The elders of the month looked at Jun innocently and killed him. He did not think that Jun Nothing could actually cover up the past with these things, and even more unbelievable, Jun No Evil can really come up with such a perfect excuse.

"What kind of snow Dan? I have never heard of it, is this thing useful or not, how can such a thing of unknown origin be allowed to be taken by His Royal Highness? It is really a play!" The elders of the month screamed, quite disdainful. Opening.

Jun No Evil has long been prepared for the question of the elders of the month. She raised her eyes slightly and looked at the elders of the month: "I have only refining one of this Xuedan. If there is doubt, it is necessary to let others take it. First? If it is useful, can the elders of the month refine the second one?"

The elder's mouth twitched slightly: "If it is harmful to His Royal Highness, who is responsible?"

Jun has no evil: "I can use life to guarantee, if there is any side effect after taking it under the Royal Highness, even if this thing is useless to His Royal Highness, my life is thrown here today, and you will be treated with the elders of the month."

Jun Nothing is said to be a sound, and it is directly protected by his own life, and even if Xuedan has no effect on the Lord of the Shadow Moon Palace, it is a dead end, but this is quite decisive.

This sentence directly obscures the obscenity of the elders of the month. Where can he think that Jun is not so embarrassed, and he will make a bet on his own life.

"I can also guarantee for Chang Huan. This prescription is a self-war home. If this medicine is not effective, I am willing to bear the consequences with Chang Huan." The shadow elder stood up at this time and directly took it with him. This risk.

If it is said that the fire is innocent, if it is not enough weight, then with the shadow elders, everyone in the room will no longer dare to question one!

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