Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1806: Turning around Qiankun 4

The Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple squinted at the innocent and shadow elders. Although the origin and effect of this snowy Dan is very attractive, it is undeniable that he still has certain doubts, but now the film elders are standing out. And with life-saving guarantees, then the credibility of this snowman is much greater. In August 1st, the text network? W≥W=W≠. ≤8≥1≤Z≤W≥. ≤C≤O≠M

Suddenly, the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple laughed.

"The shadow elders don't need to be like this. I naturally believe in you. Chang Huan, bring Hua Dan."

"His Royal Highness! You must not take this medicine at will!" The elders in the month secretly screamed badly, although he did not believe that there is really any medicine that can cure the body of the Shadow Moon Temple. After all, so many doctors I haven’t seen it for so long, but I’m still trying to stop it.

The Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple was quite disapproving and waved his hand. "The elders of the month need not be so nervous. I believe in the elders."

The elders of the moon were completely uttered by the words of the Lord of the Shadows, and they could only watch the ignorance of the medicinal bottle and walked to the front of the Shadowmoon Hall. Ringing, I can’t wait to rush straight over and smash the bottle!

The Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple took the medicine bottle from the hands of the innocent, and looked up at the innocent, with some scent in the eyes.

"Changhuan, I don't know, you will refine the medicinal herbs?" The Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple raised his eyebrows slightly. Although he was not familiar with Chang Huan, he never heard that Chang Huan would refine the medicinal herbs.

There is no such thing as a sinless sin. "There are so many doctors in the temple, there is no need for a disciple."

The Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple chuckled aloud, and even the spirit level could be concealed before the sound of the innocent, and it would not be surprising for her to conceal the refining of the drug.

"I believe in the shadow elders and believe in you. I hope you will not let me down." The Lord of the Shadows Hall said that it was extremely gentle. He opened the lid of the bottle and a white medicine fell into his palm.

At the moment when the medicinal medicine fell, the whole room was filled with a faint scent. The scent was extremely light, but it was impossible to ignore. Some people just smelled it a little, and they felt that their groggy head changed. It has to be clear.

Even the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple felt a slight change, and the pain in his head, because this fragrance gradually slowed down, it seems that it is no longer so strong.

This magical effect makes everyone shocked.

Even though the elders and the innocents are quite credible, no one has thought that the effect of this medicine is so obvious. It only smells some smell, and it can turn their groggy heads into sobriety.

This is just a smell, if it is swallowed...

At this moment, people who have some doubts about Hua Xuedan thoroughly swept the suspicion.

The face of the elders of the month became iron blue in an instant.

The Lord of Shadowmoon Hall was almost unable to wait for the sedative to swallow the belly. When he swallowed it, he felt a trace of cool and mixed with Xuedan from his mouth into the scorpion. The coolness spread quickly. The whole body, the exhaustion and drowsiness of his body swept away in an instant!

With such a quick effect, the eyes of the Shadowmoon Hall were involuntarily enlarged. He looked at his chest and felt the feeling of the coolness spreading in the body. The tired body seemed to be soaked in the spring. A little bit of relaxation.

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