Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1819: Complaints and clarifications 3

Looking at the expression of the innocent eagerness, the black cat suddenly had a wonderful feeling. August 1 Chinese W ≤ W ≈ W =. ≈8≠1≥Z≥W≈. ≤C≥OM

It feels like...

The self-owner’s seven passions are becoming more and more normalized?

There is a kind of thing, she is going to tease the little bad guys...

It must be crazy.

After the moon gave the thing to the innocent, he went back to the room, thinking that after a few days, some people should be lying on the bed.


"You have this sachet off the line." A deserted voice screamed behind the moon.

The moon, who was thinking about life in bed, jumped out of bed and looked stunned at the innocent when she did not know when she appeared in her room.

"" Yueyue trembled and stretched his little hand, pointing at the innocent, a pair of eyes-stricken boss.

Jun No Evil completely ignored the horror of the moon, just put the sachet on the table next to it. As she put down the action, the side of the sachet was picked up and some lilies were scattered. The dried petals, and then scattered, there are a few unidentified objects of rice size.

The moon is staring at the unknown objects, and the eyes are straight.

"These medicines have been smelling for a long time, which will make people's limbs sore and weak, so that people can't move normally. It's not that you can play casually at this young age." Jun has no hands to support his chin, so he looks at his face with awkward look. Month, these small pills are doing well, but from the weight of the placement, it is still a little over.

The immortal medicine that Jun Yi took to Yue Yi will make Yue Yi maintain the absolute peak state of the body under the condition of weak surface, but from the pulse and the color, he is a serious person, and besides that, He is alive and well.

However, the medicine in this sachet is a little more. Under the disguise, it will really feel a little discomfort. Although it will not hurt people, it feels there is.

"What are you talking about? What medicine?" It was only a long time before the moon came back. She looked confused at the innocent, and her face was full of confusion and incomprehension.

If Jun is not evil, I have never seen the moon scorpion throwing some medicinal herbs into the teapot. It is just to look at the moon 烨 expression, I am afraid to believe her.


The tail of the little fox has already been revealed.

“It’s good to mix herbs in flowers and plants in the flower gardens. But I think if the doctors who know the medical sense come to your small house, they may have some unexpected gains, such as...” The mooncakes are pretending to be innocent little faces, not too slow or slow: "Those herbs that can make the silver spirit strong gradually decline."

Innocent words, let the moon slammed a fierce jump, the face of the ignorance also appeared a crack, the big eyes are flashing a trace of hard to hide.

"Give the medicine to the Lord of the Shadows Hall, you are really courageous." Jun is innocent and looks at the moon.

As early as when a few bear children from the Shadow Moon Hall were introduced to the small courtyard of the New Moon, she felt a little strange. The flowers and plants planted in this yard were a bit strange, if the moon was in Without knowing it, I planted some herbs at random, but I also said that the cultivation of those herbs requires extremely harsh conditions. If they cannot be taken care of according to their characteristics, it is absolutely impossible to survive.

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