Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1820: Resentfulness and clearness

However, those herbs in the moonflowers are growing very strong!

Even if it is a coincidence, it is not so coincidental. August 1st? Wen? Network W (a) W (a) W?. ?8 (eight) 1 (eight) ZW. COM

The only conclusion is that those who grow those herbs know their origins from the beginning and know what they need to take care of.

The expression on the face of Yueyue was completely reversed in an instant, and the ignorance and youthfulness of the little girl disappeared. In those big eyes, they were filled with hostility and defense against the innocent.

"What do you want to do? You know, don't know, what you said can make you go out today?" The voice of Yueyue suddenly fell cold, obviously a 12-year-old girl, but let people The threat in her words cannot be ignored.

"Oh?" Jun no evil raised his eyebrows, not to be afraid.

Yue Yue took a deep breath: "Don't forget, my grandfather is the elder of the Moonmoon Hall. Some things are not something you can manage. If you still cherish your own life, don't worry about it."

"Someone told you that before the foxes and tigers, at least the first practice of their own expressions?" Jun Wuxie suddenly said.

"What?" The moon was slightly stunned.

"If these things happen, the elders of the month really know, I believe that the first one must be you, not me." The innocent and slow-moving mouth, in one sentence, completely destroyed the momentum created by the New Moon. .

"What are you talking about..." The moon bites a bite and is strong and calm.

"If the elders of the month really have the heart to kill the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple, he will not wait until now, and he has many other methods. He will never use such inefficient drugs to achieve his goal. Again... you mentioned When he was, what was the hatred in his eyes?"

Lunar New Year’s eyes widened and looked at Jun’s innocence. I couldn’t believe that this teenager, who was not familiar with her, could easily see through her disguise.

"What do you want to do?" Yue Yue completely rubbed his shoulders. I don't know why, she always felt that she had no secret in front of the innocent.

It’s true that the innocent guess is true. The person who poisoned the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple is her, and for this matter, the elders of the month are unaware of it. She wanted to use the power of the elders of the month to force the emperor to be innocent, and let the innocent people dare not do anything, but...

But it was unrelentingly exposed!

Jun is not eager to open his mouth, just looking at the little guy who is so eager to endure. At this moment, the eyes of the moon seem to ignite a bright flame, which is completely different from the timidity and disappointment she can pretend. And this is the real moon.

At the age of twelve, you can formulate a villain that can make you look at the poison of the eye.

"You want to kill the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple?"

The moon looked at the innocent, and suddenly raised his chin: "When you want to ask someone else for a secret, shouldn’t you express your sincerity first?"

Jun no evil raised his eyebrows slightly.

Lunar New Year jumped out of bed and stood on the ground. He looked at Jun innocently without hesitation: "You shouldn't think that I would be stupid enough to believe that you are Chang Huan? I have seen it several times before Chang Huan. How useless the guy is, I know at a glance, how can I know how to have a higher level of spiritual power than my brother? I don’t know how to have a higher spiritual power than my brother. You are not always happy. You must have yours in the Shadowmoon Hall. Purpose, if you want to ask me, then change your purpose!"

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