Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1828: Blatant framed 4

"What do you say?" The Lord of the Shadows Hall was wide-eyed, and the stunned eyes swept back and forth on the moon and the innocent. Eight?? One Chinese network W=W=W=. =8≤1=Z≤W≈. ≥C≤O≥M

"His Highness, his subordinates are also helpless! Chang Huan is proud to offer medicine for His Royal Highness. During this time, the more he acts, the more he is arrogant, and the disciples who know that she is reused by His Royal Highness and who is the elder of the shadows will not dare to add more. However, today, my nephew wanted to mention my brother’s elders to thank Changcai, but I did not expect that I had just arrived at Changhuan’s residence. Changhuan lost the normal state, and the children’s intentions were light and thin. Fortunately, the children were sent to the past. The disciple felt abnormal. He wanted to stop and was injured by Chang Huan. After hearing the news, he rushed over." The elders of the month slandered the innocent rudeness of the innocent, and when the voice landed, a nose was swollen. The young man also came to the temple and fell down, just in response to the words of the elders of the month.

Jun innocently looked at the boy who was hanging on the body, but there was a hint of coldness in her eyes. She entered her small courtyard from the New Moon, and she was "please" into the hall. She had never seen this name. Disciple, but the elder of the month gave birth to the wound of this person and buckled her head.

In order to bring her down, the elders of the month are really a big deal.

All the charges were arranged so properly.

"His Royal Highness... The disciple wanted to stop Chang Huan, but it was not her opponent, so it was..." The wounded disciple trembled on the ground, and the head did not dare to lift it. Innocent to the fear of the ground.

The disciples said that they all had vibrato, not just the injury is too heavy, or the heart is timid.

The shadow of the temple of the Shadow Moon Temple is a violent jump of the blue veins of the forehead, and a pair of eyes contain an angry look at the innocent squatting on the main hall.

The words of the elders of the month, the words of the disciples, and the haunted appearance of the moon, are like the death penalty for the innocent, without any room for counterattack.

"Changhuan, what they said is true?" The main hall of the Shadow Moon Temple looked at the innocent. If this matter comes to the disciple next to him, he is afraid that he will not ask even one sentence. Directly let people cut it.

Even so, the anger in the main tone of the Shadowmoon Hall is already very obvious.

Jun no evil slowly raised his head, his eyes calmly watching the King of Shadow Moon Palace, which is trying to suppress the anger.

"What does Your Highness think?" Jun did not answer the question.

The more the main expression of the Shadow Moon Temple is ugly.

She is asking him if he is not!

The elders of the month smiled in the heart. If at this time, the emperor cried and asked for mercy, perhaps the anger of the Shadowmoon Hall may be somewhat calmed down, but her straight words are tantamount to questioning the Lord of the Shadowmoon Hall. Judging, not only does it have no effect, but it will burn the fire more and more!

"Changhuan! You dare to let go before you go down to the temple? Your Highness asks you, you just need to answer it well, don't you forget your identity? Even dare to question your Highness!" The elders of the month screamed at the ruthless Evil, but in my heart, I want to be innocent and more rude, so that the Lord of Shadowmoon Hall completely annoyed her.

If you look at the elders, you don’t look at the elders of the moon. You just stare at the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple. You don’t humble and say: “What do I need to explain? His Royal Highness, there is naturally his judgment, something I have never done, I believe. My Royal Highness will also give me innocence."

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