Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1829: Blatant framed 5

If you look at the elders, you don’t look at the elders of the moon. You just stare at the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple. You don’t humble and say: “What do I need to explain? His Royal Highness, there is naturally his judgment, something I have never done, I believe. My Highness will also be my innocence. August 1st? Wenwang?W≈W≤W.81ZW.COM"

"..." The elders of the month widened their eyes and looked incredibly at the innocent. The matter has already reached the present field, and the innocent can still calmly say such words, which is beyond his expectations. .

There is no pleading, no anger, and no violent temper when it is framed. Jun is only using the most calm attitude to reveal his belief in the Temple of Shadow Moon.

The elders of the month thought that the innocent people would find their own way, but such a sentence made the situation completely change.

Her calmness, and what she said to the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple, invisibly gave the Lord of Shadowmoon Temple a mistake.

This made the Lord of Shadowmoon Hall have to calm down as much as possible and seriously judge the truth of the whole thing, not just relying on a anger.

In the face of a talented and disciples who have helped themselves, and then say such a trust, even if the Lord of Shadowmoon Hall wants to go away, I am afraid I have to think about it.

A disciple who has been buckled with such a big hat is so calm, which makes people have to start thinking about whether there is a misunderstanding.

The Lord of the Shadowmoon Temple took a deep breath and sat on the throne, half-squinting at the cold and clear.

If he pretended to be guilty of innocence, then his own prestige would also be damaged. After all, the sleek Dan sent by Jun Wuxu had helped him a lot. It is no secret.

"Changhuan, you believe in my judgment and feel innocent, then should you tell me the whole thing? I want to believe that you are a person, but this is a matter for so many people to testify. If you are I don't explain one or two. Just because of my trust in you, I am afraid that it is difficult to convince the public." The Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple abolished the great strength and suppressed the anger in his heart.

The relationship between Yuelu and him is only known to the elders of the moon in the Temple of Shadowmoon.

Even if his heart is full of anger, he can't reveal too much.

The flame that was about to spread was gradually subsided under the words of the innocent, and the elders of the month tried to provoke the wrath of the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple. In the shortest time, the plan to dispose of the innocent was completely ruined.

All of this has already been in the hands of the innocent.

The elders of the month want to borrow the special meaning of the moonlight to the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple to frame her. But the elders of the month have only forgotten a little, that is the guilty conscience of the Shadow Moon Temple!

As the owner of the Shadowmoon Hall, it is extremely normal to have a woman who likes it, but when this favorite object is only a 12-year-old girl, this normality will become a strange situation, even if it is The lord of the temple is absolutely not afraid to show his heart in public, otherwise what is the name of the country?

The elders want to use it, and it happened to be countered by Jun.

It is precisely because of this relationship that the heart of the Shadowmoon Hall is angered, and there are still some scruples. I have to ask everything and then decide.

"I haven't hurt the New Moon, and the New Moon is coming to thank me. But I have never done anything about the elders of the genius." Jun looked at the Shadow Moon Palace Lord calmly. The mind of the Lord of the Moon has changed from anger to lucidity.

Then next...

It’s her turn to fight back!

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