Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1835: Are you still missing an apprentice 2

The innocent plan allowed her to finally have an opportunity to completely get rid of the opportunity of the elders of the month. ?八一中文网W=W≠W. 81ZW. COM

"Don't thank me, this is cooperation." Jun has no faint opening.

The calm and innocent response made the moon's heart more stable. She was like an ordinary child, laughing and playing with flowers.

The two figures are so in the moonlight, kneeling on the edge of the flower bed, playing with those flowers and plants, no one speaks, quiet but comfortable.

Lunar New Year loves the tranquility of this moment. He is not afraid of it, nor is he guilty of treacherousness. He simply does what he likes, and he shaves out a flower of a flower. He turns his head and goes to the previous herbs.

Innocently watching the moonlight cheerful action silently, after a moment of silence, suddenly said: "If I were you, I would not plant the star grass and ride flowers together."

The moon was slightly stunned, and the little horse was holding the flower in his hand, with a trace of confusion on his face.

"Why?" She has always been such a kind of herb.

"They all need water very much. They are too close to plant and they will compete with each other. It is not easy to grow up." Jun Wu explained it briefly.

The moon looked at the flower in his hand and looked at the star grass that had been buried in the flowerbed. The final look was amazed to the innocent.

“Do you know the herbs well?”

"Fortunately." Jun is particularly calm and open.

"Cheat, you know very well. I used to wonder why I have the medicine you can do so soon. Do you also refine the poison?" The new moon is like something new, 睁The bright, big eyes looked at the innocent.

"Fortunately." Jun is still not responding to the cold.

"Hey! Don't get it, you can tell me about it. What are the effects of these herbs?" The moon came to the spirit, and suddenly he pulled the innocent and asked for guidance.

Jun has no eyebrows to look at the moon, "You don't know these herbs?"

On the moon, there was a red color, but it was strong and supported the proud face: "I know, but I don’t know it. I saw it too dead before the elders of the month. I have no chance to find the corresponding books. I The understanding of these herbs is seen from an ancient book."

"Oh?" Jun looked at the moon, she felt that she was able to master certain refining abilities in such an environment. This is very strange.

" don't believe it, I will show it to you and you will know it." Yue Yue said, he stood up and wiped the two small hands on the skirt, which was carefully taken care of. Pull out a book wrapped in handcuffs.

The book seems to have been around for a few years. Many places have been damaged, some are incomplete, and the book has been taken over by the innocent, and the rustling of the rustling is extremely clear under the quiet night.

The innocent eyes of the book will read the contents of the book.

This look, let her immediately understand where the ignorance of the New Moon came from.

The book is not so much a book, it is more like a note with a record of the experience. The dragon and the phoenix dances have written opinions and effects on some herbs, and made a lot of inferences. The root of these inferences is Non-toxic medicinal materials, based on how to formulate highly toxic medicinal herbs.

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