Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1836: Are you still missing an apprentice? 3

There are many kinds of medicinal materials recorded on the notes, but more of them describe the characteristics required for the mutual preparation of poisons, but they do not write the most basic effects of those medicinal materials. August 1st? Chinese W?W?W. 81ZW. COM

It is no wonder that the New Moon will have such doubts.

Jun Wuxu returned the notes to the New Moon, and it looked very interesting to see the eyes of the Moon.

This note is not complete, it is easy to make people confused. If there is no basis for medicinal materials, even if you get this note, you can't understand it. But look at the moon, before you touch this note, it is fundamental. It is impossible to learn anything related to medical practice. It is reasonable to say that she should not understand the information above.

However, the New Moon has really learned what he needs.

It’s just that this kind of learning deviates from the normal track. It means that a person has not recognized the word yet, but has begun to use words to form a mantra.

This is a very magical thing, and even the innocent people feel very wonderful.

Perhaps it is in a desperate situation that stimulates the potential of the New Moon, which gives her a chance, like the person who fell into the cold pool of the abyss, grabbed the last straw, and in any case, she will die for survival.

"Do you understand this?" The moon blinked and looked at the innocent.

"Well." Jun nodded and nodded.

"That... that flower is riding a flower?" Yueyue flipped out the paragraph describing the riding flower in the note. It only showed the appearance of riding a flower, and even the name was not written.

Obviously, before Jun’s innocence was opened, the moon did not even know what he was holding in his hand...

"Yes." Jun is no evil and bears the temper.

"What effect does this flower have?" The moon looked at the innocent eyes.

"Soul up."

"What about this?"

"Moon grass."

"What is the role?"

"Stop bleeding."

"That..." The moon is like a child who is eager for knowledge. He is beside the innocent, constantly flipping through every page of the note, and tirelessly asking questions to Jun. After the evil response, she carefully remembered it in her heart.

It is rare for me to have the patience to accompany the Moonlight to analyze all the notes on the note. She suddenly has an illusion of teaching the child.

After getting this note, Yueyue secretly studied it. She didn’t dare to ask anyone, and she didn’t dare to let the elders of the month have the existence of this note. They could only rely on their own brains to get through this book a little bit. Every herb recorded on the note. Even though it is one-sided and incomplete, it is the most precious for her.

If this is not the note, she is afraid that she will not be able to escape the clutches of the Lord of the Shadows.

Under the moonlight, the backs of the moon and the innocent are on the edge of the flowerbed, and the two small figures look extremely harmonious.

"You know a lot, you will refine the medicine?" Yue Yan listened for a long time, his legs were already numb, but still could not bear to stop, until the last page, she was still trying to look up, looking at the innocent .


"Is your ability to refine medicine very strong? You should not lie to me. I learned something from this note. Even the doctors in the Temple of Shadowmoon Hall can't see it, but you can see at a glance that I have poisoned the temple owner. You must be very powerful."

Jun no evil has to nod.

The moon swallowed swallowing water, and his eyes looked ignorant.

"Then you... are you still missing an apprentice?"

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