Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1867: Face stretched over 8

"Are you very sad? I thought I found a life-saving straw, I want the Shadowmoon Hall to help you find your grandson, but your grandson and granddaughter are in front of your eyes. Your loyalty is the murderer who killed your son. I am sorry for you, watching your grandson as my plaything, and your granddaughter is being seen by His Highness... Hahaha... This is the ending of the war family? Hahaha... Ridiculous! But you Rest assured, these two filthy children will soon leave the world, and you will also break the grandchildren! You should thank me, let you see them before they die, haha!!" The elders of the month The laughter reveals everything that was unbearable in the past to the eyes of the elders. (8) (1) (中)(文)(网)|(8)WWW.8(8)1(1)Z(中)W(文).COM

"You give me a stop!" The shadow of the temple of the Shadow Moon Temple, he did not expect the Moon Presbyterian to expose this matter at this time.

The shadow elders looked at the elders who were laughing and laughing in silence. They already knew everything in their hearts, but when they heard the words of the elders, his heart was still hurting.

The moon, which was caught by the elders of the month, widened his eyes, turned his head hard, and looked at the silent elders who were silent.

This is her grandfather?

Real grandfather?

The shadow elders were shocked by the sight of last month, with deep sorrow and remorse in their eyes.

"Hahaha... Why should I stop? Your Highness? This is what you asked me to do that year? What? Now I want to keep the shadow elders to be your dog? You are cruel, sleeping on his granddaughter, On the one hand, he wants to do his best for you, you are the real wicked." The elders of the month have no scruples, and completely ruined the face of the temple.

The main hall of the Shadowmoon Hall was shaken, and the already well-behaved body suddenly burst into familiar fatigue and tiredness.

"Well, now let you recognize each other, I am really a good person, then... Moonlight, say goodbye to your grandfather. I will send you on the road." The elders of the month are vicious.

The moon licked the lip and hung down.

The elder's hand was lifted high and smashed against the moon's head.

The shadow elders want to stop, but they can't catch up with the elders of the month. A heart suddenly mentions the eyes of the blind.


A stream of light flew to the palm of the elders of the month, and the severe pain caused the elders of the month to slam!

"Send her on the road? Did you ask me what I mean?" A cold voice, suddenly sounded in the hall!

The elders of the month followed the sound, and suddenly they saw that the innocent sorrow was coming out from the side of the main hall.

"Changhuan!" The elders of the month glanced at the innocent, and if he had anyone in the Shadowmoon Hall who wanted to kill, it must be the boy in front of him.

Ever since the return of the innocent, the elders of the month have not done anything.

"Changhuan..." When the Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple saw the innocent, he breathed a sigh of relief. This talented young boy is the greatest hope of his Shadowmoon Hall.

"Changhuan?" Jun Wuxie suddenly shook his head.

"I am sorry, I don't seem to call this name." When the innocent voice landed, she suddenly raised her hand and pulled off the ********!

The face of a beautiful city, blooming in the eyes of everyone, the flawless skin, and the fine facial features, let everyone present to take a breath!

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