Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1868: Beaten face 1

"Who are you!" The elders were shocked and watched the innocent, and no one thought that the "Changhuan" in front of them had already been dropped, and what was even more terrifying was that they were unconscious. August 1st? Wen? W (1) W (eight) W?. (8) 8 (one) 1 (one) ZW. COM

"Jun is no evil." Jun no evil raised his eyebrows and reported the name that had never appeared in the middle three circles.

The Shadow Moon Temple Lord looked at the innocent and strange, he never saw such a beautiful girl, even the beautiful and beautiful moon, in the face of the innocent, instantly became eclipsed, in the entire hall Only such a petite figure is like the sun, attracting everyone's attention.

"I should have guessed that you are not a regular fan, how often can you become a purple spirit?" The elders blinked and cautiously looked at the girl in front of her. The age of this girl looks more than Changhuan. It is still smaller, but when I am so old, I can break through the fourth stage of the purple spirit, which is really amazing.

How old is this girl now? fifteen? Still sixteen? At a young age, it has reached the point where ordinary people can't reach it. If you give her some time, then you still have it?

"You don't know it is too late." Jun had no cold eyes, and his eyes swept over the face of the elders.

The elders of the month sneered aloud. "Even if you are not a fan of happiness, do you think that you can deal with me? The gap between Ziling and Yinling is not that you can understand. Since you are so anxious Come and die, then I will fulfill you, and when I kill this little monk, I will send you to Huang Quan!"

The elders of the month flashed a trace of cold light, and the hand of the moon was filled with spiritual power in an instant. The silvery light of the moon rushed to the moon, and the body of the moon was shattered by the sturdy silver spirit. Five internal organs!

In an instant!

A black shadow swept past the elders of the month. The elders only felt a cold shower in their arms. When he returned, the moon, which he had in his hands, had disappeared, and his hand turned out. It was cut off at the wrist, and the clean scars were neat and there was no trace of tearing.

Blood, in the instant, like spring water splashing out from the wounds of the elders of the month, the palm of the arm rested quietly on the cold land.

"Ah, ah!" The elders of the month held their own wrists, and there was a tragic mourning in the mouth.

Everything was too fast, and no one in the hall realized what was born until the screams of the elders of the month stung their eardrums. They just came back and looked at the **** elders. Everyone looked up incredulously and looked at the innocent standing at the entrance to the main hall.

At the side of the innocent, I don’t know when there were two black men, one of them with a half-masked boy’s arms, holding the moon that had just been held by the elders of the month!

"How... How could it be..." The Lord of the Shadow Moon Temple was shocked to see the night of the night, and the eyes were full of incredible.

The elders of the moon are the first masters of the Shadow Moon Hall. Even the Lord of the Shadow Moon Palace in the heyday, but can only tie the elders of the month, how the strength of the elders of the month, the Lord of the Shadow Moon Palace is clear.

In the world, apart from Jinling, it is impossible for someone to give a silver spirit to the invaders in an instant!

From the beginning to the end, the elders of the month did not even have time to defend, and one hand was so easily squatted!

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