Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1972: Ghost World Tour 2

The destination of Xiaobailian is a seven-story pavilion with a sign of “Soul Soul” in front of the door. ?八一中文网W=W=W≈. ≈8≠1≠Z≤W≥. COM

Among the large pavilions, if the door is in the city, the souls coming and going are coming and going incessantly.

The big-eared rabbit wearing an apron greeted the guest in front of the door. When he saw the innocent walk, he immediately jumped and jumped over, and looked up at his head with his watery eyes, watching them innocent.

"Several objective please? Want to eat something? Hehe." The three-mouthed mouth of the big-eared rabbit opened and closed, and diligently recited.

Xiao Bailian immediately came to the spirit, screaming to eat a big meal, the big rabbits led them to the third floor, jumping and fleas along the way was lovely, no attention to the side of the innocent, light attention behind it **** That hairy tail.

I haven't waited for Xiao Bailian to touch the third floor to find something to eat, and a noisy quarrel has been introduced into the ears of Jun.

"Nalan, if you are free, you can go home and count the beans to play time, come here to come, don't give me a meal?"

The words of the poisonous tongue were introduced into the ears of the innocent, and even the innocent people felt that they were familiar.

Xiao Bailian even widened her eyes after hearing this voice, and the pace of involuntarily accelerated, directly on the third floor.

On the third floor, a lot of guests were seated, and the source of the quarrel was being surrounded by a group of souls.

Jun No Evil raised his eyebrows slightly, watching the enchanting men standing in the soul, but not the enchanting man they had encountered outside the forest?

"Poisonous Big Brother?" Xiaobailian blinked and looked at the poisonous rattan sitting on the chair.

Quarreling with the poisonous rattan is a human soul. The soul has been completely materialized. Wearing a light blue gown, it is extremely simple. The man’s face is warm and jade, and it looks like a very good-tempered person. The poisonous vine's poisonous tongue, the man just hangs a gentle smile, good temper: "Poison vine, I know you are too stunned, but some words should be talked about, you are hiding from me on weekdays, now Easy to see, how can I not say?"

The poison vine whitened the man, and the vine wrapped around his hand waved his hand to the man with lightning.

The fierce rattan whip made the surrounding souls look scared and rushed around to escape.

The figure of the man standing in the field suddenly flashed, and the rattan whip of the poison ivy did not fall on him. His movements were extremely fast, and others could not see his movements.

This is the innocence of watching the drama. After seeing the man’s movement, she couldn’t help but sigh. She has just become a soul. Not only has she lost the support of spiritual power, but even the degree she can achieve before has been greatly Restricted, she can't use spiritual power at all. Just like ordinary people, Jun has no medicine to tell her that the soul and the real person are different. The spiritual power is the power accumulated in the human veins. The soul after the flesh also completely lost the spiritual power, the only thing they can use is the soul power.

And the man alone can achieve so fast degree, almost comparable to the purple spirit three levels when people are!

This can not help but let the innocent believe, the effect of tempering the soul, will definitely be amazing.

Only the dual strength of the flesh and the soul is the way to embark on the highest peak!

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