Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1973: Ghost World Tour 3

Poisonous vines and Nalan 玥 are opposite each other, a suffocating sigh, a gentle calm. Eight? One Chinese?? Network W ≤ W ≈ W =. ≤8≈1ZW. COM

Although the soul body on the side is watching the excitement, it has involuntarily let go of some places.

"Nalan hasn't given up on the poison ivy. I have to watch the poison ivy, and I have to fight with him." The black panther of good things squats with his tail.

"What is it? Is it already already playing?" The sharp steel knife snarled.

"What does Nalan玥 say is also the apprentice of the spiritual master. Even if the poisonous vine is the leader of the wood spirit, is it not appropriate to conflict with the disciple's apprentice?"

"The spirits have retired for so many years. Besides, you still don't know the spirit of the spirits. Even if he knows that Nalan and the poison ivy are in conflict, it will not be like."

"The sorcerer is retired, but you have forgotten that Nalan has a brother, who is not very good."

"You mean Wu Ji? He and Nalan are right brothers and sisters, but... I don't see how good the relationship is. I still saw it before..."

A group of people who are keen to watch the lively souls whispered together. When the lion and the mountain stalker sneaked back and whispered, Jun No Evil felt that he seemed to get used to the surprise here.

"How did the poisonous vine brother fight with Uncle Nalan?" Xiao Bailian looked stunned. It was obvious that he not only knew the poison ivy, but also knew Nalan玥 who was with the poison vine.

The poppy stands on one side of the chest and looks at the bustle. It seems that he does not intend to intervene.

However, Xiao Bailian couldn't sit still. He bit his lip and watched the increasingly poisonous poison vine and Nalan 打, and immediately rushed up.

"Don't fight! Don't fight!"

A small, fat man rushed into the murderous battlefield, which made people around the crowd stunned.

I was thinking about how to throw the stalking venomous vines into the vines, and Nalan 玥 微 玥 , , , , , 当 当 收回 收回 收回 收回 收回 收回 收回 收回 收回 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 看到 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小Zhang face his small meat ball.

"Xiao Bailian?" Nalan 接 caught a small meat ball, and looked at Xiao Bailian's crying face.

"Uncle Nalan, don't fight with the poisonous rattan." Xiaobailian cried with Nalan's sleeves.

Nalan’s face appeared awkward, and the poisonous vine that had received the hand looked at Xiao Bailian’s unpromising look.

"We are not fighting..." Nalan sighed with a good temper.

Looking at the appearance of Xiao Bailian, the battle stopped abruptly. The black cat standing on the shoulder of the poppy licked his paw and opened his eyes quite silently.

"How did the idiot live in the ghost world to the present?" The little black cat said.

The poppy shrugged.

"Poisonous vine and Nalan 玥, is the whole ghost world, only two so friendly souls to him, in front of them, he has always been like this, oh... before Ao Xue Hanmei did not go, it is also one."

For Poppy, Xiao Bailian is the most suitable target for bullying. Of course, if he is drunk, he is also very happy to play.

"..." The black cat's beard shook.

The two souls that are playing fiercely, because Xiao Bailian’s stupidity from the halfway, can’t be beaten completely. Under the gaze of Xiaobailian’s tears, the poison vine can only put away his own vines. Unhappy.

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