Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1974: Ghost World Tour 4

"I am leaving first. Bayi? China? Wenwang? W? W? W (a).? 8? 1? Z (eight) W?. COM" poison vine sullen a face, straight up.

Xiao Bailian looked at him with tears. He turned his head directly and didn't look at Xiao Bailian's stupidity.

Nalan 玥 玥 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , You are welcome."

After all, the poison vine jumped directly from the window.

Nalan’s helpless face sighed.

"Ah!" Suddenly a scream rang out of the soul group, and all the eyes of the soul were instantly seen towards the source of the sound.

The big-eared rabbit standing next to Jun’s innocent Zhang held the three-petal mouth, and a pair of long ears stood up.

"He hasn't paid the bill!!!" The big-eared rabbit collapsed with his front paws on his cheek, as if it had fallen apart.

All souls are speechless.

Nalan supported her forehead and walked to the side of the big-eared rabbit. She reached for a few soul fires in the apron of the big-eared rabbit apron.

"is that enough?"

"Enough is enough!" The ear of the big-eared rabbit squatted in an instant, squatting with a small pocket.

Nalan smirked and shook her head. At this time, he noticed that standing next to the big-eared rabbit turned out to be a weak girl, and the girl’s appearance turned out to be as amazing as it was. When Lancome saw the face of the innocent, she couldn’t help but hold it.

The illusion of the soul is as if the beauty of the innocent is not really cut.

"You are... newcomer?" Nalan 玥 looked at the innocent, the weak soul, the translucent soul, should be the new soul.

There is no opening in the innocent, but Xiao Bailian, who is behind Nalan, is active: "Yes! Yes! The owner is new."

"Master?" Nalan sighed slightly.

In the heart of the innocent, there was a shock, and Xiao Bailian had no idea, and even shouted his master directly in front of others.

However, before he was ready to return the matter, Nalan玥 laughed. "Before you left, they always said that you will not be able to come back for a long time. Now it seems true, but this Once your master seems to be good, after the fall, the soul can actually enter the ghost world, seeing her age should not be much?"

Nalan’s roots didn’t think much, it’s not that he was fooling, but that the non-soul is absolutely impossible to enter the ghost world, so he just thought that Xiao Bailian’s “master” was dead, but fortunately, its owner’s The soul is qualified to enter the ghost world.

Xiao Bailian still wants to say something, but it is stopped by a blind eye.

This little guy is speechless, and he may say that he has missed his mouth.

"Since it is the owner of Xiao Bailian, is it better to sit down and talk together?" Nalan玥 invited.

If you think about it, you will agree, but...

"I can't touch anything." Jun said that he still can't "sit down".

She can touch the ground, but what about the benches and chairs... It is a bit difficult for her.

Nalan smirked and said: "No problem, since you have come to the ghost world, sooner or later you have to get used to everything here. As long as you concentrate on cultivation, it will take a long time to be like other souls. I have nothing to bear, but you Since I am the soul of mankind, I may help you with this aspect of cultivation."

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