Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1980: Ghost Tower 2

When I heard the words of the innocent, Nalan’s face involuntarily emerged with a loss. ? Bayi Chinese Network W (eight) W (eight) W (eight). ? 8? 1? Z (a) W (eight). (1) C?O?M

Yes, who is not looking forward to a faster cultivation method?

"The Ghost Tower has now built three seats, three in the southeast and west of the ghost world. The specific location, Xiao Bailian, they also know, let them take you to see." Nalan sighed, this in the end It is an innocent choice, and he has no right to dry up.

Jun nodded and nodded. After a moment of silence, she said: "If I want to practice in the old way, where should I go to find you?"

The loss of Nalan's face was replaced by a touch of surprise when the innocent voice landed. He looked at the innocent strangely. He did not expect that after hearing the cultivation of the ghost tower, she would still think of using the ancient The method of cultivation, a touch of joy involuntarily appeared in the eyes of Nalan.

"I am on the edge of the dream forest in the north. Xiaobailian has been to my house. If you want to find me, you can go there." In the tone of Nalan's voice, there is a joy that cannot be concealed.

A person who is obsessed with his own ideas, after a lot of ridicule and irony, even a little bit of approval will make him ecstatic.

The innocent is not the first new soul that Nalan has encountered. He has been in the ghost world for a few years, because he was a disciple of the spiritual master and enjoyed a high reputation among the souls of the ghost world. Before the Ghost Tower was built, there were so many people practicing under the Nalan Gate, but since the construction of the Ghost Tower, the soul dreams of those who have followed him have been attracted by the magical effect of the Ghost Tower. Gradually, there is no soul left behind by Nalan.

In the vomiting, Nalan also encountered many new human souls entering the ghost world, but after listening to the existence of the ghost tower, all of them went to the ghost tower.

"Now the soul is basically cultivated in the ghost tower. The dream forest is very empty. If you need it, you can come to me at any time." Nalan's eyes are full of joy.

Jun nodded and nodded. She wanted to go to the Ghost Tower for two reasons. One was the curiosity about the mantra in the ghost tower, and the other was to find the soul of the monk.

Nalan has also said that most of the souls have gone to the Ghost Tower, and Jun is very much looking forward to seeing if he can find his father in the Ghost Tower.

You must know that after entering the ghost world, most of the soul's memories have completely disappeared. They can't remember the things before they lived. Therefore, if you want to find a gentleman, you can find it only if you are innocent.

They talked with Nalan for a while, and they got up and left without being evil.

Along the way, Jun No Evil is thinking about the ghost tower, and Xiao Bailian on the side is also holding the savory cake from the Soul House.

There is no sense of hunger in the body of the soul. Xiaobailian is so eating, but he wants to eat his appetite. You must know that the soul is unable to eat the usual food, even if it is greedy and leaves the ghost world, the outside world Any food can't be digested by the soul. Even if it is eaten, it will make the soul feel extremely uncomfortable. Only the food that is transformed by spiritual power can be digested by the soul.

Xiao Bailian has been with the innocent for a long time. This gluttonous addiction has endured for a long time. It is hard to return to the ghost world. Naturally, it is unacceptable.

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