Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1981: Ghost Tower 3

"The owner is still thinking about the ghost tower?" Poppy looked at the expression of the innocent and thoughtful, and asked. Bayi Chinese Network W (eight) W? W?. (8) 8?1?Z?W (1). (8) C (eight) OM

"Yeah." Jun nodded slightly, she looked at the poppy, this time the poppy is more reliable than just knowing how to eat Xiaobailian. "Do you know about the ghost tower?"

Poppy smiled and said: "Nature knows that Nalan's words are not empty. The ghost tower is a big disciple of the spiritual master. It is built by Wu Jiu. Only someone can enter. Before, the soul has been in a weak position in the ghost world. After the construction of the Ghost Tower, it was the meaning of the rise. Now it has a low status in the ghost world."

"Oh? You don't seem to like people's souls." Jun has no forgotten. Before the Soul House, other soul groups were not friendly.

The poppy shrugged.

"When the original sorcerer led the soul, this problem never happened. It was only after Wu Ji took over the position of the sorcerer. If the work was too radical, it would cause dissatisfaction of other souls. The master knows that the first ghost tower The construction of the house is the place where our wood spirit lives. There are many wooden spirits living there. Just because the ghost tower is to be built, many wooden spirits have to be forced to leave, and the ghost tower only allows the soul to enter. Will Wood Spirit be happy with these things?"

The home was demolished, but it was for the benefit of others. No one can be happy.

"The other two ghost towers are on the ground of the instrumental spirit and the land of the beast." Poppies look at the innocent, and the rest do not need to say more, and the innocent should understand.

Although the soul of the human being is strong, it is good, but it has occupied the territory of other souls, and it has not been used by other souls. The effect is simply... plus, the arrogance of many people after the power is naturally attracted. Great hatred.

Jun Wuxu probably understands the hatred value of the soul in the ghost world.

All the way said, the poppy will be innocent until the originally built ghost tower.

Standing outside the ghost tower, you can see that many people stand in a group outside the ghost tower. The ghost tower is divided into twelve layers. The top of the tower is lit with a cluster of orange spirits. The fire is bigger and brighter than the fire on the roof of the innocent.

"What are they doing?" asked the crowd who looked at the queue.

The poppy hands clasped the chest and smiled and said: "When you enter it, the number of souls is increasing, but the ghost tower has not been able to carry it. Therefore, Wu Jiu gave the regulations, everyone’s soul, and the time to practice in the tower every day is only An hour, after the cultivation is completed, they will leave, and the others will come in. Every day, there are long queues outside the three ghost towers. Today, this is considered to be rare."

"Only one hour of cultivation? Then what is the remaining time?"

"Continue to wait in line." The poppy shrugged.

Just after the poppy was finished, the gate of the Ghost Tower was opened. Several men walked out of the Ghost Tower, and they did not leave, but went straight to the end of the team and continued to line up.

Looking at the number of teams, Jun knows that these people, even if they are frequently queued, can only stay in the ghost tower for two hours at a time, only two hours a day, the rest of the time, all The cost is in the queue, and for this way of cultivation, Jun Wuji does not agree.

The cultivation relies on, it is definitely not a magical way, but it is accumulated over a long period of time. Thus, only two hours of cultivation per day is too much to rely on the function of the ghost tower, and give up its own possibilities.

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