Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1982: Ghost Tower 4

For anything that has dependencies, the innocent instinct feels a problem. Eight?? One Chinese W?W (a) W. 81ZW. COM

Jun No Evil wants to take a closer look, but the poppy says: "If the owner wants to look closer, I am afraid that only the master himself will pass. The ghost tower is outside the bounds. If we are in the past, I am afraid that it will cause the eviction of the ghost tower guards."

The reason why other souls are dissatisfied with the soul is mostly because of the strength of the human soul in some places.

Jun nodded and nodded, and he went over.

Going closer, I noticed that the Ghost Tower was built with pieces of stone bricks engraved with mantras. The mantras looked very familiar, and the innocents actually saw themselves in the soul. Some spells I have seen in solid law!

These hardships are the soul solid law?

There is some doubt in the heart of the innocent. At this time, Meng Yiliang, who lost in the soul-soul building, came to the ghost tower.

"Hey?" Meng Yiliang was stunned by Xiao Bailian and Poppy in the Soul House. Suddenly he saw a faint figure appearing outside the ghost tower. He suddenly smiled.

"Little girl, are you coming? How, this ghost tower looks very good?" Meng Yiliang raised a smile and walked to the side of the innocent.

Jun no evil saw him, not talking about it, just because Meng Yiliang was rude to Nalan in the Soul Building, she made her extremely invisible to this person, seeing him open, she just looked down on it. At a glance, I don't answer.

Meng Yiliang didn't feel anything wrong. He didn't want to say that Jun was innocent and only looked at him faintly. It was just because of the face of a fallen city, even if it was a slap in the face, Meng Yiliang felt that his heart was plopping.

Most of the souls who can enter the ghost world are those who are strong in life and have a strong soul. The number of women among these people is relatively small, and they can reach a certain level. Most of them are already on the list. Older, like the immortal, these young and beautiful, are few and far between, not to mention the appearance of the innocent, almost the appearance of a rare, naturally provoked Meng Yiliang mind floating.

Without any sense of indifference, Meng Yiliang said to himself: "The cultivation in the ghost tower, the power that can be promoted, is not what you can imagine. It is much more useful than Nalan. I don't know what the little girl calls you, I Called Meng Yiliang, is a disciple of the Wujiu Soul Master. Do you know the Wujiu Soul Master? That is the strongest existence of our soul family. The lord has great trust in the family. This ghost tower is also the meaning of the teacher. The lord answers. Not to mention, but also gave the family a great power."

Meng Yiliang was eager to find a sense of existence in front of the innocent, and moved Wu Wu once again. I don’t know how inferior to these shit-like guys in the eyes of the innocent.

I can't wait for the innocent response. Meng Yiliang can't help but be anxious. Seeing the innocent stare at the ghost tower, Meng Yiliang's heart is on the mind and walks to the innocent, laughing: "You are Want to enter the ghost tower? I happen to be in the tower to practice, if you want to go in, I can take you in with you, no need to line up."

After listening to this, Jun Qingxu barely stared at Meng Yiliang and slowly nodded.

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