Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1991: Impact 3

But the poppy did not care to continue to explore in his little apron. Bayi Chinese Network W? W? W (a). 81ZW. COM

Rao is under the efforts of Xiao Bailian. Poppies still found a few lotus seeds from Xiaobailian's apron. The green lotus seeds fell in the palm of the poppy. He hooked his lips and looked at him with evil spirits. Xiaobailian crying into a tearful doll on the ground, laughing is not evil.

"I haven't eaten your lotus seeds for a long time, but I have some thoughts." Poppy looks like a bully.

Xiao Bailian wiped his tears and looked at the poppy with a trepidation.

"That... that's... for the owner... you... you are not allowed to eat..."

The poppy is even worse.

"Hey, what do I want to eat?"

Jun innocent stood aside, silently watching the poppy bullying Xiao Bailian.

During this time, there was no medicine to press, and the poppy was honest.

When the poppy said, he raised his hand and prepared the lotus seeds in his hand to be sent to the entrance.

But in an instant, the two vines suddenly flew out of the trunk, one bundled with the poppy holding the lotus hand, and one between the blink of an eye, the lotus seeds in the hands of the poppy were all rolled away.

A slender and arrogant figure appeared in the tree.

"For so many years, you haven't changed your taste. You like to eat, why don't you give yourself?" The words of the poison tongue were directly introduced into the ears of the poppy, and the poisonous vine standing under the tree frowned. In the big poppy, the poppy was turned and the vine was transferred, and the lotus seed that was taken back was placed in front of Xiaobailian.

Xiao Bailian looked at the lost lotus seeds and looked at the poison ivy. Wow, holding the thigh of poison ivy, crying heartbroken.

The poppy hands clasped the chest and looked at the suddenly appearing poisonous vine. He smiled and said: "I don't, how do you want to show up?"

"boring." Poisonous vines licked his mouth and wanted to leave, but Xiaobailian, who was squatting on his lap, couldn’t move half a step.

"Well, if you dislike me, you will abandon me. I am here to come to you for business. After you finish, if you want to fight, I will accompany you." Poppy smiled.

Poison vine looked at the poppy, he couldn't bear the most, that is, the stalker of poppies, who is completely ruthless, is simply annoying!

"Poison vine big brother, you help the little black bar, the little black is very poor." Xiao Bailian looked up, still not stupid thoroughly, knowing that poppy deliberately bullied him, is to bring poisonous vines out, poisonous vines this cold face Heat, the most can not stand the big bully, so in the past, when Xiao Bailian was bullied, if the drunken lotus did not come out, it was the poison vine appeared to avenge him.

"What black?" Poison vine frowns slightly, and he hates to bully the little things. He naturally can't make a move to kick Xiaobailian.

Xiao Bailian Jun has no evil mouth.

The innocent little black cat was walking in front of the poison ivy.

The poisonous vine looked at the little black cat who was sleeping in the arms of the innocent, his eyes slightly picked up, reaching out and exploring the neck of the little black cat. A trace of strangeness flashed through the eyes of the poisonous rattan. He looked up and looked up. Jun has no evil: "Is it going to the ghost tower?"

Jun was innocent and slightly stunned. I didn’t expect poisonous vines to explore the situation of black cats.

"I am a soul with it, it has never been, I have gone." Jun is innocent.

Poison Ivy takes a deep breath.

"I know what you are going to do, I can take you to Yanlong, but if it is willing to help, I am not sure."

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