Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1992: Yanlong 1

"Do you know what it is like?" Jun no evil saw the reaction of the poison ivy, vaguely aware of what. Eight? One Chinese network?? W ≥ W = W ≥. ≥8≤1≤Z≈W≈. ≥C≠OM

Poisonous Rattan: "The power of the soul is scattered. It is not a new soul. The soul is solid. If I have not guessed it, is this situation occurring after returning from the Ghost Tower?"


"You shouldn't go to the Ghost Tower." Poison Ivy frowned slightly.

"There is a problem with the ghost tower?" The poisonous vine really knows what it is, and it is innocent.

The poison ivy was silent for a moment. "Forget it, let me go to see Yanlong first."

Poison ivy does not seem to mention the things related to the ghost tower, and there is no question in the innocent and eager to save the black cat.

Yanlong’s residence is not close to the poisonous vine. Jun has gone for a little half a day before coming. On the way, the closer to the residence of Yanlong, the more the many beasts are gathered, until the time is approaching, the innocent The other souls are no longer visible around.

"The ghosts of the souls have their own strongholds, only the new soul will be assigned to the place where you live now." Poppies on the side of the same innocent.

Jun nodded slightly, and secretly looked at the beast that passed by.

Those beasts have different forms, and they noticed that they had a slight pause when they were in a row. A pair of beasts passed by the innocent, with a hint of hostility, if they were poisonous vines around them. A few, I am afraid of these beasts, it is not just a simple look.

After walking for a while, Poison Ivy came to a mountainous place with a sinless spirit. Unlike the secluded forest of the poisonous rattan group, Yanlong is said to be in a mountain valley. There are countless caves above the huge stone mountain. Outside the caves, you can see many beasts shuttle through during the period.

When the innocent people walked in, the beasts of the beasts all stopped outside the cave, and a pair of beasts brushed and looked at the side of the innocent.

"I seem to think that we are not popular." The poppy shrugged and shrugged, looking at the miserable eyes cast in all directions, with a lazy smile on his lips.

"They didn't rush to shred you, it was the greatest kindness." Poison I took a look at the poppy.

"Don't say so cruel, I am still very friendly." Poppy smiled.

"Oh? Why don't I let them continue to be friendly with you?" Poison I raised my eyebrows.

Poppy smiled and said nothing.

"There is the residence of Yanlong." Poisonous vine pointed to a huge cave road in front of it. The entrance to the cave was huge, and it looked like an endless black hole, making people feel uneasy.

Not close to it, Jun was innocent and noticed that the air in the hole seemed to be distorted by the heat wave.

Poison vine took the lead to walk in front of the cave, looked at the little black cat in the arms of the innocent, and turned to look at the dark cave.


The sound of poisonous vines was transmitted into the dark caves, and the dull echoes came out, and there was no sound other than that.

There was no movement in the dark cave, but the poison ivy did not feel anything, and still stood in the same place.

After a long time, a hot air sprayed from the mouth of the cave. The poisonous vine that is the soul of the body does not feel the heat wave, but the eyes are slightly picked up.

The earth under the feet of the innocent sorrow was shaking slightly, and the heavy footsteps in the cave slowly came, and the voice seemed to step on the human heart, and every step was exceptionally powerful.

In the dark cave, two red lights flashed.

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