Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1998: Growing fire 1

Nalan couldn’t help but let the brown bear follow the room. ??八一? Chinese W≈W=W≤. =8=1≈Z=W≠. COM

There wasn't too much decoration in Naran's room, only the rows of bookshelves, and the desks with books.

The brown bear sat on the floor stupidly, and two furry paws hanged on the ground, staring at a pair of black eyes and looking at Nalan.

Nalan also had no way to take it. He could only let it sit like this, but he first talked about the right thing with Jun.

"Actually, it's just my guess. When the Ghost Tower was just built, I haven't rip my face with Wu Jiu. He started to build a ghost tower. I also learned the news later. I should be the first to enter the Ghost Tower. The soul of the cultivator, the degree of cultivation in the ghost tower is very open. At the beginning of the period, I was also attracted by this amazing degree of cultivation. At that time, the soul was not familiar with the ghost tower. Most people still follow the ancient method in the dream. I practiced in the forest, so I could stay in the Ghost Tower all day long, but for a long time, I am not right..."

At the time, Nalan was very respectful of Wu Jiu, and Wu Jiu Ben was his brother. After their master retired, Nalan was following Wu Ji.

However, as Nalan 呆 stayed in the ghost tower for a longer time, he suddenly appeared. The ghost tower was not as simple as he imagined. He practiced in the ghost tower, and the time seemed to pass very fast. From the first floor of the ghost tower to the 12th floor, it took less than a month. At that time, the power of his soul leaps forward. If nothing happens later, he is afraid that he will still be addicted to it.

"How many floors did you go to the Ghost Tower?" Nalan asked as she looked at Jun.

"Twelve layers." Jun has no evil.

Nalan’s face showed a shock. “When you go for the first time, you can walk to the 12th floor? It’s really... I am surprised. Since you are on the second floor, you can see the twelve layers. Is that fire?"

"See it."

“How big is it?”

Jun Wuxie looked at Nalan's room, pointing to the roof and pointing to the ground.

"You can stick directly to these two places."

Nalan slammed a sigh of relief, and after a long silence, he said: "You know the size of the original."

Jun no evil shook his head.

Nalan's hand reaches out and uses the power of the soul to transform a small soy bean in his palm.

"It's only that big."

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of Jun.

There was a bitter smile on Nalan's face.

"Do you think it is incredible? The spirit of the ghost world, this is the power of the soul, they can not grow, only under the constant cultivation of the soul, smaller and smaller, until disappeared, I have never before I have seen any fire that can grow until I see the position in the Ghost Tower."

However, the size of the soy bean, even in the outside world, is almost never used by any soul.

However, in the Ghost Tower, the fire was gradually growing and gradually becoming bigger. This strange situation caught the attention of Nalan, who once looked for Wu Jiu and asked his doubts. However, Wu Jiu perfunctoryly gave him two sentences, so that he should not think too much.

When a suspected seed is planted in the heart, many things that have never been noticed gradually surfaced...

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