Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1999: Growing Spirit 2

Nalan’s disciple, Wu Ji’s disciple, began to be inexplicably missing. The first one missing was the most beloved disciple of Wu Jiu. The talent of the man was extremely high, and the cultivation in the ghost tower had even passed. Nalan, but I don’t know which day, the man disappeared inexplicably. ??八?一中文?W(eight)W?W?. (1) 8?1?Z?W. COM

The man disappeared without warning. Nalan began to realize the disappearance of the other party at the beginning, but as time went by, the souls of the missing people increased one after another. At this time, Nalan was surprised that things were not right.

Nalan 玥 found Wu Jiu, but this time Wu Ji did not even see him.

Since then, Nalan has been shocked by the danger of the Tower of Psychology and is no longer willing to take a step.

"The soul of the people who cultivated in the ghost tower will disappear?" Joe Chu's incredible eyes wide open, which can be played big!

Nalan said: "I was not sure if they really disappeared. After I left the Ghost Tower, I went to the scenes of the missing people. I have seen it for more than a year. Yes, I think they should be really missing."

The growing spirit, the soul of the inexplicable disappearance, is such a sign that it is a very dangerous signal to tell Nalan.

"The fire catalyzes the growth of the human soul, just like catalyzing the fruit. When the fruit is ripe, it is swallowed directly... Are you saying that those who disappeared were absorbed by the fire?" The speculation was shocked, and the spirit of the ghost world was only passively absorbed. If one day turned into an active party, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Nalan swayed and shook her head. "I can't be sure what is going on in the Ghost Tower, but as far as I know, it's very likely to be as you said."

"Smog! That's got it?" Joe Chu was shocked.

Nalan said: "This situation has only appeared in the Ghost Tower. The Linghuo Forest and other places have not shown a growth momentum, and there is no missing person. So I think the problem should be In the ghost tower." Say, Naran got up, took a lot of notes from the desk and on the bookshelf, and he spread the notes one by one and placed them on the table in front of them. .

"This is the first time I lost my soul, and this is the size of the fire at the time." Nalan was on a piece of paper, pointing to the information that detailed the time of the first disappearer. Next to it, it is a description of the size of the fire.

"This is the second..."

"This is the observation of the fires everywhere after I left the Ghost Tower. I have observed fifty years and never seen any signs of growth."

"Here, I let the people who entered the Ghost Tower help me see the record of the size of the fire."

"There are also second and third ghost towers."

The data piled up in the mountains was smashed in front of the innocent people. Nalan was like a madman, and the data that had been carefully recorded for nearly a hundred years was revealed in front of the innocent, the complicated words, as if A huge spider web was woven in the heart of the innocent.

"I have spent decades trying to test my guess. Every ghost tower has people disappearing without knowing it. Except for the 12-layer spirit of the Ghost Tower, there is no more in the ghost world. Linghuo has the ability to grow up!" Nalan's hands were solemn at the table.

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