Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2000: Growing Spirit 3

"The fire in the ghost tower must have problems!" Nalan's emotions are getting more and more excited. All this investigation, only one person bears, decades of loneliness, is not understood by anyone, he is under pressure Very understandable. Eight?? One Chinese W?W?W?. ?8?1 (a) Z?W (eight). (a) C (one) O (a) M

Even so, Nalan has not given up on the study of the Ghost Tower.

The innocent will quickly read through the data of Nalan, and remember every word in his mind.

"The twelve-layered fire, at first, increased every seven days, and the first person who disappeared was in the month after entering the tower. The second person was missing, but the time was shortened." Innocently touched the chin, the data collected by Nalan was very detailed, which happened to be what she needed now.

These data can be used to make a calculation, but the amount of calculation required is too large, and there is no more time to completely calculate it.

When Nalan玥 hides herself for decades, she can say it all and share it with others, so that he really feels relieved. "Sorry to say so much, these things may put pressure on you, but... ...I really hope that you can know the danger of the Ghost Tower, which is definitely not a good place to go."

Jun no evil understood and nodded.

"It's very special. I suggest that you still practice first, so as to delay its consumption." Nalan sighed with relief. After years of suppression, he made his whole soul a lot easier.

"If you want to, I can tell you normal cultivation methods, although the degree is not fast, but absolutely safe." Nalan shouted.

"We are here to learn the cultivation methods with you." Jun is innocent.

Nalan smiled and did not delay the time. They directly said that they had the power to cultivate the soul.

In fact, the method that Nalanci said was no different from that said before Jun had no medicine, but it was more detailed. He proposed that they should practice in the secluded forest in the innocent, and most of the cultivation of the soul comes from the fire. The spiritual fire in the secluded dream forest is the most abundant. With the improvement of the power of the soul, the fire will gradually be exhausted. Only the constant source of fire can maintain the persistence of cultivation.

Nalan玥 told the method of cultivation to the innocent of them, and then they walked into the forest of dreams with the innocent.

The area of ​​the secluded forest is extremely large, and the forest is full of fires flying in the forest. The clusters of orange spirits are like the fragments of the sun scattered in the jungle.

The brown bear was always behind Naran, even if Nalan tried to drive it away, it did not leave, and there was no way to be chased. It sat on the ground.

Nalan had some headaches, but it made Joe Chu laugh and laughed.

In the ghost world, there is no scruples for the new soul. Because of the construction of the ghost tower by Wu Jiu, the human soul gradually becomes stronger, and the arrogant heart is gradually suppressed. In the eyes of other souls, people The soul is quite unpopular.

Each of the innocent people has found several places where the fire is intensively cultivated. Although the process of cultivation can only absorb the power of a soul of spirits, but in the case of the surrounding spirits, the power of the soul is also absorbed. Will become more and more unconsciously.

It is almost impossible to monopolize so many fires before the Ghost Tower has been built.

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