Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2001: Can you eat well? 1

Spiritual cultivation is boring and boring. I don’t know how long I have practiced. She sits cross-legged on the grass, and the black cat sleeps on her knees, and a cluster of fires linger around her body. In August 1st, the text network W ≤ W ≠ W ≥. ≈81ZW. COM

A warm force is slowly flowing into her body.

This kind of cultivation lasted for several days, and Jun Qi and the people went to the secluded forest for a long time with Qiao Chu and so on, until Nalan came to urge them to stop practicing and go back to rest.

In the state of the soul, even if you don't rest, you won't feel tired, but Nalan玥 insists that they take a good rest and sharpen their swords.

The cultivation degree in the secluded dream forest can't be compared with the ghost tower. However, it doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with it. It still persists and keeps practicing, so that the power of the soul is constantly flowing into the soul of the innocent. Among them, while strengthening themselves, the situation of the little black cat is slightly improved, and occasionally it will wake up, but the time is very short, even if it is so innocent, it is still very satisfying.

The power of the souls of Joe Chu is abundant, and their souls are gradually materialized. Although the process is slow, no one gives up.

Nalan was very pleased to see that they had been persevering in cultivation. He could not remember how long he had not seen other people in the forest of dreams.

At the time of cultivation, Jun did not forget to look for the traces of the monarch. Although Jun couldn’t go to the ghost tower again, she could let Xiaobailian and Poppy stay outside the three ghost towers. She will remember The appearance of Zhong Jun Gu was drawn down and handed over to Xiao Bailian and Poppy. I hope that they can find the soul of Jun Gu in the long team outside the ghost tower.

I don’t know how long it took, and they finally got the real entity. They finally felt the real feeling of being a human being. Several teenagers immediately decided to go out to celebrate. They specially called Nalan, and Zongzong.

Zong Zong was the brown bear who was in the secluded dream forest when Jun was innocent to find Nalan, and during this time, when Nalan was instructed to teach the innocent, they practiced together, and did not expect it to practice. The degree is quite fast, and now it has an entity, but it still can't speak, only with the fat claws and Nalan's constant plan.

Since then, Zong Zong has been relying on Nalan's side, still being driven by Nalan, and is not willing to go. Even after possessing the entity, Nalan玥 will catch a bear every time, it will be a bear. Hug on the shoulders of Nalan, and play in the end.

Nowadays, Nalan has given up the idea of ​​driving away Zong Zong.

He has never seen such a persistent beast in his life!

Since it is to celebrate, they have to leave the secluded dream forest. Qiao Chu directly went to the Soul House in Xiao Bailian’s mention, and it was also the place where Jun Wuji first met Nalan.

Little white lotus and poppy have not been traced yet. In order to miss the possibility, the two flowers gave up this celebration and continued to stay outside the ghost tower.

Nalan玥 took Joe Chu and others to the soul building, and the high spirits in the soul building were full, and the rabbit Xiao Er led them to the second floor.

The innocent of them in this line has aroused the attention of many souls. In the soul of a group of people, there is more of a beast, and it is still a beast that has been turned into an entity.

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