Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2012: Bear paw face 6

After all, in the ghost world, the masters of Meng Yiliang and Jiang Yunlong are not small. If they are moved to rescue the soldiers and then go, I am afraid that it will be too late. ?八一中文网? W?W?W (eight). ?8 (eight) 1? Z? W (eight). (a) C (one) O? M

Qiao Chu naturally understands the seriousness of the matter, and does not dare to make too much trouble, and conveys their meaning to their own spiritual spirit.

The giant pythons who have climbed the souls of those souls have just stopped, the double-skull snakes circle the sects in the snake tail, and the yin-yang bears and the giant pythons smashed the two wounded beasts. .

Jiang Yunlong looked at the hand of the spirit bear is about to escape, worried, but can not get rid of Nalan, hate to gnash his teeth.

When Nalan saw Zong Zong being rescued, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. In order to give Zong Zong a time to retreat, he still hangs on Jiang Yunlong.

On the street, the beasts who had been repulsed and repulsed, they could not help but cheer out. They were not strong enough to make their own families, but when they saw Zong Zong being rescued, they were better than anyone. Be happy.

"Catch it back!" Jiang Yunlong screamed in a hurry.

Meng Yiliang endured severe pain, stood up, and pursued the souls of those who were seriously injured, but the beasts who had been watching the beggars, this time did not let them misunderstand, they were blocked in Meng Yiliang. In front.

"Give me away!" Meng Yiliang yelled at the group of beasts.

However, none of the beasts left, but they were in front of Meng Yiliang.

Seeing the figure of the double-skull snake getting farther and farther and gradually disappearing into the crowded streets, Meng Yiliang was anxious, but could not squeeze the beasts in front of them.

The Ling bear who arrived at the hand ran like this. Jiang Yunlong’s lungs were all mad. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Nalan’s eyes. He said in angrily: “Nalan, this is what you did! You want to be nosy. Then I can't spare you!"

After all, Jiang Yunlong’s attack degree has risen sharply, and the resentment and unwillingness of the lost bears have been squandered on Nalan’s body.

Jun Wuxu looked at the double-skull snake and so on, and his mind was fixed.

"That Jiang Yunlong does not intend to let Nalan squat, what should I do? I don't think Nalan 甩 can't open him. It's not easy to get rid of it." Qiao Chu shook his fist, Zong Zong It was escaped, but Nalan玥 was entangled by Jiang Yunlong in order to give them a ban, but it would not be long before Jiang Yunlong’s rescuers should arrive. If Nalan was arrested, I was afraid of being sinned. .

Jun Wu raised his hand and took down the face of Sen Luo who wore it on his own ear. The face of Sen Luo has already recognized the Lord. When Jun is turned into a physical entity, it can be used.

"You go first." Jun no evil to Qiao Chu them.

Qiao Chu and others did not dare to ask, immediately ran in the direction of the double skull snake.

Jun Wuxu looked at the battle with Jiang Yunlong, and Lan Lan, quietly throwing the face of Sen Luo in his hand into the air.

In the darkness of the sky, no one will notice that little white spot.

Just in the moment when Jiang Yunlong and Nalan 玥 fight endlessly, there is a slight change in the dark sky, and the strange voice sounds from the top of the soul body!

Meng Yiliang looked up and saw that there seemed to be something moving in the sky, but it was too dark to see.

Suddenly a vine fell from the sky, and Meng Mengliang was slammed on the ground!

Then, countless vines descended from the sky, like the rain of cheats, generally smashed on the earth!

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