Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2013: Bear paw face 7

Suddenly there are so many vines that Meng Yiliang and others have no resistance. ??八?一中文W?W?W?. ?8 (eight) 1ZW. COM

Counting to the vines suddenly broke into between Jiang Yunlong and Nalan, twisting and separating the two people.

Jiang Yunlong was shocked to see the strange vines. He had never seen this vine in the ghost world. The toughness of the vines was stronger than he thought. He smashed his knives and could not hurt the vines. Half an inch.

Nalan is equally astonished, but he is now, those vines seem to have no hostility to him, not only that, but the vines are surrounded by him, and Jiang Yunlong's attack is all in the present!

Suddenly! A thick vine was wrapped around Nalan's waist, and Nalan's subconsciously felt that the vine would not hurt himself, and there was no movement.

The vines glared at Nalan to go to the sky. Jiang Yunlong wanted to chase again, but was staggered into a chamber by countless vines in front of him!

But the blink of an eye, in the darkness of the sky, lost the trace of Nalan, and the vines also gathered to the sky...

This strange scene was born in front of all the souls. No one can explain where the vines came from. If you don’t see them, I’m afraid it’s hard to believe who is going to believe that the sky will still have vines, and still have Autonomous vines.

The spirit bear ran, and Nalan玥 did not know who was saved.

The successive blows made Jiang Yunlong's face black to the extreme. As a big disciple of Wu Jiu, he never encountered such a setback. Today, even after two consecutive births, Jiang Yunlong’s heart has been greatly reduced. trauma!

"Master!" Meng Yiliang wandered from the ground, and his body was full of dust, and he looked like a wolf.

He was first violently smashed by the giant python, and then was beaten by the eccentric vine. Now he feels like a mess.

"Master, the brown bear, it ran... What should I do?" Meng Yiliang also refused to take care of the pain and let the bear escape again. He almost did not dare to want to face his master.

"Nalan 玥 obviously knows the brown bear, runs the monk, can't run the temple, the brown bear can't find it, Nalan can't help but escape? If I find Nalan, I don't believe that the brown bear's whereabouts can't be dug. "Jiang Yunlong's face is gloomy, and today's shameful shame, he must return.

"Damn Nalan, he likes to be right with Master. Master has long since should not let him go." Meng Yiliang swears.

Jiang Yunlong frowned. "Go back first."

"Yes." Meng Yiliang nodded and then left with Jiang Yunlong.

The onlookers who have witnessed all of this have different minds. The picture of the vines on this day has made many souls engrave the hearts of the people.

The beasts secretly applauded, no matter who they are, as long as they can let Jiang Yunlong eat them, they are happy.

The Mulings are more excited than the Beasts. Although they don’t know where the vines come from, they know that the types are plants, they haven’t seen the truth yet, but they have secretly guessed whether they are There is another powerful role in it.

Only the spirit of the instrument is calm from beginning to end.

A battle has already involved the soul, the beast and the wood spirit, and all this is just beginning.

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