Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2014: The fourth ghost tower 1

Nalan was pulled by the vines and didn't know where he was. He only felt that the vine seemed to want to take him somewhere, because he didn't think the vine was aggressive to him, and saved him, he also let the vine pull. . Bayi Chinese Network W? W (a) W?. 81ZW. COM

From the bustling streets to the quiet jungle, the vines slowly descended, and Nalan玥 saw a few familiar figures standing in the forest, and there was a hint of surprise in her eyes.

Jun Wu raised his hand slightly and summoned the face of Sen Luo.

The vines landed with Nalan, and then gradually folded into a small light spot and fell into the hands of the innocent.

Nalan's surprise looked at the innocent, and then the eyes slowly fell behind the innocent.

Qiao Chu and others are standing aside, and the Zongzong and the beasts who were rescued before are resting on the grass, but the three beasts who saved the Zongzong now do not know where to go.

"Is it yours to save?" Nalan did not think that the person who saved him would be innocent.

After all, they are just new souls.

Jun no evil nodded slightly.

Nalan smiled and said: "I really appreciate it."

Nalan was very clever and did not ask where the vines came from, nor asked about the whereabouts of the three beasts. They only expressed their gratitude.

"Don't be polite with us, then what Jiang Yunlong, or what Meng Yiliang, looks like a sloppy look, can beat them, we are very happy." Qiao Chu smiled and opened his mouth.

Nalan nodded slightly and walked toward the side of the Zongzong.

The four wounded beasts were at the side of the Zongzong. The proximity of Nalan's beggars made them more shocked. Even though Nalan was only able to save the Zongzong, they did not forget the relationship between Nalan and Wu.

Perceiving the defense of the beasts, Nalan’s footsteps were slightly sloppy and did not rush to go up.

"Are you alright? I have some injuries here." Nalan took out a bottle of medicine and threw it to one of the cheetahs.

The cheetah dialed the bottle with the front paws and looked up and looked at Nalan玥 cautiously.

"I am not malicious. I know what you are worried about. I and Wu Jiu have already tore my face. I am not afraid of saving it today. I am afraid that it will be planted directly in the hands of Jiang Yunlong." Nalan is good-tempered. The explanation.

The beasts were still somewhat alert, but the Zongzong climbed up, stretched out his claws, and took Nalan's pill bottle. He thanked Nalan for a nod.

Nalan smiled.

"Why do they want to catch the Zongzong? Because the spirit bear? But this guy looks like it doesn't look like how powerful it is." Joe Chu touched his chin and looked at the stupid sect, its vice The appearance is not as good as his yin and yang bear domineering.

The beasts of the beasts were still prepared, but when they heard Joe's words, they showed their lonely eyes. They seemed to put down some wariness, and the cheetah said:

"The group of idiots, before the spirit bears are arrested, the spiritual bear is now seriously damaged by the soul, and even the ability to speak is not. Now it is also caused by serious injuries. Today, thank you for your help, I am here. Thanks." The cheetah stood up and stood up slightly, his head lowered slightly, and the other three beasts also expressed gratitude.

"Oh, don't thank you, we don't care what the Zongzong is. Since it is our partner, we naturally can't watch it being bullied." Qiao Chu was busy.

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