Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2062: Dead place 1

Innocent, they quickly found Nalan, compared with the last time they met, Nalan’s situation was a little bad, his face was full of grace, and when he saw the innocent, they appeared, but they were just stubborn. I smiled at the corner of my mouth. Eight?? One Chinese W?W?W?. ?8?1 (a) Z?W (eight). (a) C (one) O (a) M

In the room, Zongzong still sat on the floor, using the fat claws, touching the east, dialing the west, and seeing the innocent, it immediately moved the fat buttocks, and the stock rolled to the feet of the innocent. With furry big claws holding the legs of the innocent, a spoiled posture.

The most incomprehensible thing is that the hairy hairy thing can't help but reach out and grab the skull of Zong Zongzong, and the eyes are full of love.

"You have become stronger..." The sorrowful Nalan 玥 noticed that the power of the soul in them was much richer than before, and even in no way inferior to himself, this is now, let Nalan It is very strange. He and Jun Wuji last time met. It seems that half a year ago, half a year is not a thing for the soul. Many new souls can’t get rid of the emptiness of the new soul even after half a year, but in Jun Innocent, he never sees a new state of the soul.

"Yeah." Jun nodded and nodded, and Zongzong held his leg. She couldn't get rid of it for a time. She could still be held by Zongzong and stood in the same place. Qiao Chu was naturally sitting on the chair. On the top, only Vatican can't touch the Zongzong, and the eyes are eagerly floating on the bodies of other beasts, a look of extreme patience.

The beasts seemed to have noticed the enthusiasm of Vatican. Some of them were awkward, but they moved their bodies and placed their tails on the lap of Van Gogh. Vatican immediately met with satisfaction.

"..." Joe Chu silently looked at the two plush controls of Jun Wu and Fan Zhuo. It is hard to imagine that they have such a big love for furry creatures.

It’s really unappealing.

"The matter of the spiritual master, I heard it." Jun Wuxie opened the door and saw the mountain to Nalan.

Nalan whispered a little, then smiled and shook his head.

"So you came to me, I want to tell me, this is a trap, let me not go?" Nalan sighed. "You have to say, I understand, but Master has the knowledge of me, this Once, because of the catastrophe, how can I sit idly by? If I watched him suffer from the murder of Wuji, but in order to protect myself from self-protection, what is the difference between me and Wu Ji? Isn’t it the same animal?

"I know, if I go here, there must be no return. Wu Ji hates me for not a day or two, but I have to go, even if I go, I can't do anything, but this is the duty of being an apprentice. You can rest assured that I will not bring the Zongzong past. I have already said it with the cheetah. When I leave, they will immediately leave with the Zongzong and hide in a place I don’t know. The method of viciousness opened my mouth and he could not find the Zongzong."

Nalan 玥 玥 交 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 玥 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳 纳Preparation is to refuse to live up to the cultivation of the spiritual master, and not to let the sect fall into danger.

"Do you think that they would find Zong Zong, then you can?" Jun no evil looked at Nalan.

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