Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2063: Putting to death 2

Nalan smiled bitterly: "Otherwise? I can't let go of my master, I don't want the Zongzong to be hurt. Only by letting it be taken away can I ensure its safety. I have already said it with the cheetah. After I left, Don't say too much with Zong Zong, they will naturally take care of Zong Zong. Eight?? One Chinese Network W≈WW.81ZW.COM"

"Do you really think that Zong Zong won't know?" Jun frowned slightly, looking at her ancestor, obviously a huge brown bear, but at this time people feel that it is so helpless, it Looking at the innocent eyes seems to be begging.

"Zong Zong can't speak people, but it knows everything. It knows that you are a good person, so it only sought your help, and it knows what you are going to do, or you think that it is going to be at this time. Holding me?" There is some depression in the heart of the innocent, and what she is most unacceptable is this.

Nalan was dumb, and he tried to convince himself that everything was arranged, but there was a voice in his heart telling him that everything was not as perfect as he thought.

"I can guarantee that as long as you are caught by Wu Jiu, it will take less than a month. This fool will rush to the net like you." Jun has no intention of pinching the hairy ears of Zongzong.

Zong Zong looked at Nalan, full of worry and disappointment.

That gaze Nalan 玥 did not dare to look at it, but could only bow his head and avoid the sect of Zong Zong.

I am afraid that if I look at it again, I will shake my decision.

Jun no evil sighed and looked at the sadness of this man, and finally stopped swearing. "I am coming to you today, it is really for Wu Jiu, but I am not stopping you from letting you go, but Support your past, and ask you to go with the patriarch."

"What? With the Zongzong together?! Impossible! If I bring it over, it will be captured by Wu Jiu, I can't do it!" Nalan was anxious immediately, he thought that it was to be discouraged. He did not expect that Jun was innocent, but he did not persuade him. Instead, he urged him to bring the Zongzong up. This is not to be in danger!

Not to mention Nalan, and even the other four beasts, after hearing the words of the innocent, suddenly stood up and looked at the innocent eyes with incredible eyes.

"Please don't make fun of the safety of the bear. Even if you are the benefactor of the spiritual bear, we will never allow the bear to suffer a little bit of damage." The cheetah disapproved of watching the innocent, and did not seem to understand Jun. Why did the evil suddenly give birth to such a proposal.

Jun No Evil did not pay attention to Nalan’s protest. She just looked at the cheetah. “If Nalan’s own travel, Zong Zong will understand everything soon, and you will block it for a while, but it will not be able to stop it forever. The idea, it will eventually rush out, you think, if Wu Jiu will hang Nalan 与 in front of the soul, **** torture, you endure? Zong Zong heart? Do not think that I am alarmist, Wu Jiu do If you come to such a thing, you will even be more cruel. When you don't want to say Zongzong, I am afraid that even a few of you will be impulsive."

If you are innocent, the cheetahs will be silent. For more than half a year, they and Nalan have been guarding the Zongzong together. How can they have no feelings? If it is a step in the event that the truth is revealed to the innocent mouth, it is necessary to say that the Zongzong is the only one. I am afraid that they will act as if they are innocent and act impulsively.

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