Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2064: Dead place 3

Several beasts have fallen into silence. Obviously, they cannot rebut the innocent words of righteousness. Eight? One Chinese network? W? W? W (eight). ?8 (one) 1? Z? W (a). ?COM

They have all fought with Wu Jiu. Naturally, they know that Wu Jiu is a heart-rending person. If you are innocent, you are definitely not alarmist. Wu Jiu really can do it, and even more vicious.

Nalan fell into the chair annoyed, and the powerlessness and frustration almost buried him.

He couldn't let go of the spirits, and he couldn't let go of the patriarchal, but the viciousness of Wu Jiu forced him into a dilemma.

Zong Zong made a whimpering voice, and finally loosened the claws holding the innocent, slowly moved to the side of Nalan, and took Nalan to a broad and thick chest, constantly whispering. The buzz seems to calm Nalan's out of control emotions.

Van Gogh and others looked at it very unbearable, and Joe Chu quietly walked to the side of the innocent, pulling the corner of the innocent clothes, and his face was crying.

"Little evil, what do you have to say directly, I feel uncomfortable watching them."

If things are changed to them, let them choose between Yan and his own spirits, they are afraid that they will collapse.

Although Zong Zong was not the ring spirit of Nalan, Nalan said that he had treated it as his own partner.

The back of the hand is all meat, and it is no wonder that Nalan will be so entangled.

Jun no evil sighed and said: "If you believe in me, follow what I said, I will not harm you. I will let you, the Zongzong and the spiritual masters safely pass this time."

Nalan玥 looked up from the decadence and looked at the innocent eyes of the hero.

"After three days, you will go with the Zongzong." Jun is innocent.

"No!" Several beasts on the side immediately jumped out to protest.

Qiao Chu directly gave the cheetah a fist on his head and angrily said: "Listen and protest again!"

The cheetah was kicked and looked at Qiao Chu depressed. Before this person's soul was not his opponent, but now the breath of the other party makes it understand that if he and he do it, he will definitely only be beaten.

"The reason why you feel dangerous is because you think that once Zong Zong has gone, he will be besieged, but you have forgotten the identity of the Zongzong. It is a spiritual bear, a spiritual leader that no one can replace in the beast. Can the spirit look at his own spiritual bear and be taken away by Wu Jiu?" Jun is innocent.

"It is true that the words are so wrong, but the spiritual bear is so weak now that it is impossible to show the power of the spiritual bear. The animal spirits will not show their identity. Even if we say it, they will not believe." The cheetah wants to stand up. However, he was intimidated by Qiao Chu with his fist and could only kneel on the ground.

Jun is innocent: "If I have a way to restore the strength of the Zongzong?"

The cheetah eyes are slightly brighter. Their biggest problem is that Zong Zong can't show the power of the spirit bear, and can't seek the help of the beast.

Nalan also raised her head in a strange way, full of anticipation and looking at the innocent.

"Do you have a way to restore Zong Zong?" Nalan also thought about this for a long time. He and the cheetah tried a lot of ways to restore the Zongzong, but the effect was zero. The Zongzong accidentally recovered some, but it was completely insufficient. In order to support it to restore the original power, the power of the spirit bear cannot be used. After all, half a year is too little for the soul body, and it is not enough to make any major change.

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