Jun nodded slightly, she did not say much, but took a small awl and carved it on the floor. Bayi Chinese Network W≈W≠W=. =8=1≥Z≠W≥. ≈C≤O≥M≈

The little awl was brought back from the construction site of the fourth ghost tower. This little awl seems to contain a certain amount of soul power, and will not be exhausted. It is the good way to engrave the soul. Things, if you feel that it is easy to use, you will bring it directly.

Nalan and the cheetah quietly watched the innocent movements, and they quickly noticed that the inscription on the floor was so familiar, and it was so similar to the ghost tower.

Jun Wuxie quickly engraved a large circle of soul solid method on the floor. From the size of the circle, it can just accommodate the volume of the Zongzong.

"Is this?" Nalan looked up at the innocent, and the familiar mantra reminded him of everything in the Ghost Tower, but he was not sure.

"Things in the Ghost Tower, you can rest assured that I have reinvented it. It will not cause any damage to the soul. It will only help the soul to cultivate." After the innocence is finished, the small awl is collected, though Wu Jiu is not a good thing, but this little awl is a good gadget.

Nalan looked at the innocent, and looked at the circle composed of the soul solid method, and his face was unbelievable.

As early as Naran’s anomaly of the Ghost Tower, he tried to crack the meaning of these mantras, but after decades, he found nothing. He did not understand what the mantras were for.

However, looking at the innocent appearance of the monarch seems to have already solved all of this, and the words of the innocent, let Nalan玥 associate with the invigorating power of several souls.

"Your strength is cultivated with it?" Nalan's voice shivered with a hint.

Jun no evil nodded without any scruples.

Nalan's body can't help but shake. If all this is true, then the innocent decision will be a major counterattack!

"Come here." Jun Wuqian sang a beckoning to the Zongzong, and Zong Zong was unprepared and moved to the circle.

"Cultivate." Jun has no clean and honest instructions to the Zongzong.

Zong Zongtang’s eyes and eyes, staring at the circle of souls around him, looking left and right, it seems very curious, after watching it for a while, this is honestly according to the innocent Commanded, began to practice.

When the Zongzong began to cultivate, Nalan was surprised. The power of the soul in the room was rushing toward the circle of souls, and the circle of souls carved on the floor quietly There was a faint glow, and the glow made people feel very comfortable.

The four beasts were stunned by the scene in front of them. They stood up in shock and saw the power of the souls attracted by the souls of the soul. They really rushed toward the Zongzong. The fur seems to be contaminated by that force, moving without the wind, and a golden glow gradually covers the brown fur!

"This...how is this possible..." Nalan's eyes widened and she couldn't believe what she saw.

"There is nothing impossible." Jun innocent hands around the chest, so I looked at the changes in the body of Zong Zong, the good play has just begun.

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