Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2066: "beauty plan" 1

Out of Nalan's room, Joe Chu's face was still full of smiles. When he thought of the cheetah's reaction at the time, he couldn't help but want to take a nap. ??八一? Chinese W (eight) W? W?. ?8 (eight) 1? Z? W (a). COM

"What are you going to do now?" Hua Yan looked at Jun innocent, and he did not believe in the innocent counterattack with his innocence. It was just that.

"You go back first, I have to go to the Ghost Tower to see." Jun is innocent.

Joe Chu couldn't help but say: "Take me! Take me there!"

He can't wait to see how the innocent is ruined.

Jun Wuxie swept Qiao Chu, coldly: "Are you sure that after you enter, the rolling will not be affected?" Jun did not go away because the seed of the soul tree became her protection, even if she went again, she It can also be determined that the little black cat will not disappear.

But Joe Chu they are different.

Sure enough, listening to Jun said that there is no such thing as saying that the whole person of Qiao Chu is just like the eggplant that is frosted.

"Well, you will honestly go back to practice with me, the little evil thing, she will handle it well, we just have to wait and see the show." Huayuan rarely said this big paragraph, and took the initiative to hook Living in Joe Chu’s neck will take people away.

Qiao Chu’s heart was sullen, but with the comfort of the flower buds, he immediately became alive and kicking, screaming and practicing, and he followed the flower stalk.

Vatican said a few words with the innocent, and then left.

Jun Wuji went to the first ghost tower, and the team outside the ghost tower continued for a long time.

Jun no evil took a deep breath and touched his cheek. On the face, he suddenly raised a helpless smile and walked toward the guard outside the ghost tower.

The two people who guarded the ghost tower outside, looked bored at the long queue in front of them, and occasionally licked their lips and lips, obviously very impatient.

They stayed here all day, and they felt bored. They looked around. Suddenly, a beautiful figure suddenly fell into the sight of the two.

I saw a girl with a beautiful face, who was tangled toward them.

Although there are quite a few souls in the ghost world, there are very few young and beautiful women. There is such a beautiful girl who suddenly looks like a flower. They immediately let the two spirited guards start their spirits. They immediately stand up straight. Rod, trying to put on a majestic and handsome look.

Jun Wuji walked to the front of the ghost tower with a tangled face. Her appearance immediately caught the attention of those who lined up. All men's eyes were attracted by the innocent appearance. The boring and boring line of the queue suddenly vanished. .

"Two big brothers..." Jun was innocent and pretentious, and his brow looked at the two guards.

A "big brother", the two guarding bones were crisp, and even the voice of the innocent speech became extremely soft, and I was afraid that my appearance would scare the little beauty.

"Girl, can we help you with anything?" The two men were busy with the opening.

"I just moved to this neighborhood. I don't know if there are so many people here. I still have some things in the evening. Can you let me in advance?" There was some distressed opening in the innocent, and everyone who looked like it was ignorant.

"This..." Rao is beautiful in the front, and the two guards dare not open the door of convenience. Although hesitated, he still hesitated.

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