Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2144: Breakthrough in the sky 2

Jinlingna is the peak strength of the Middle Three Realms, and it looks at the entire Middle Three Realms. Only the nine palace owners of the Nine Palaces have such strength. August 1 Chinese? Network? W≠W=W≥. ≠8≈1≤Z≈W≤. ≠COM

None of the dynasties of the 12th Hall did not want to attack Jinling, but Jinling’s unusual cultivation was as simple as it was, but directly related to the soul. Even if the talent is high, if the soul’s qualifications are insufficient, even if it is cultivation. For hundreds of years, there is absolutely no possibility of impacting Jinling.

For the people in the middle three circles, Jin Ling, that is almost in the realm of legend, only the nine palace owners in the Nine Palaces have such strength, we must know that after the completion of the Jiugong, their palace owners will never In the past, Jiugong was established in the middle of the third century for thousands of years, and the nine palace owners also lived for thousands of years... thousands of years of cultivation, coupled with the good qualifications of the soul, which gave them The opportunity to step into Jinling, and the twelve temples for thousands of years, but no one has such strength, not only the twelve halls, the middle three circles of the past and the present, Jin Ling is only nine!

However, the nightingale dreams can not be imagined, Jun Wuxie only spent a year in the ghost world, even directly hit Jinling!

Even if you didn't go to the ghost world in person, but the nightingale also knows something about the ghost world from the mouth of the unmedicated medicine, where there is no evil in such a bad day!

The innocent sorrow for a while, the spurt of the spiritual power, so that she was somewhat unprepared, suddenly, she finally understood why Jun had no thoughts like medicine, insisted on taking her to the ghost world to quench the soul, no wonder Jun said no medicine If you want to have a really powerful force, you must start with the soul!


This is a bit too exaggerated.

Jun Wuxie was also shocked by her own improvement. She thought before, even if she practiced for a year in the ghost world, but the power of spiritual power and soul is basically two things, even if it helps, at most it is Can let her break through the silver spirit.

But never thought...

Is this going to break through Jin Ling?

"Where is there no medicine?" Jun no evil raised his head and looked at the nightingale.

Nightingale: "Gregory is going to see the destroyed totem in the city."

Jun nodded slightly and nodded, only felt that his growth was too terrible.

I don’t know...

Her ascension is a matter of course, and there is nothing that can be seen in the world. There are not many in the world. He will be so troublesome to take the innocence to the ghost world. It must have his purpose, and he does not say that he is not evil. It is a one-piece soul. The soul itself is devour, even if she does not devour any soul in the ghost world, but the power of the soul in the ghost world is so rich, just stay inside, you can get this power, just this Power cannot be transformed into the power of the soul, but it becomes a spiritual support.

In addition, Jun Wuxu has developed a soul-solid method that can quickly improve the power of the soul. The growth of the power of the soul has been against the sky. She spent a year, and cultivated the realm of the soul that could not be cultivated for centuries. Coupled with the soul tree seed, let her soul power and spiritual power merge a little bit unconsciously, which has made her nearly break through the power of Jinling!

These forces have made the innocent happy, and what she lacks most now is strength. It is a plan to destroy the upper three worlds.

"I am going to find him." Jun no evil began to get up, she decided to go to Jun without a drug to ask.

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