Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2145: Accident 1

When I went out, I couldn’t forget the easiness. After all, when I entered this city with this appearance yesterday, it caused a lot of sensation. Jun No Evil is extremely uncomfortable with these things, in order not to attract anyone’s attention. She directly took out the "Jun Evil" Yi Rong / mask on the face, and changed the dress of a young boy, this is the door, but this is the door, but it is "to bring the family with the mouth." Eight? One? Chinese network? W ≥ W ≠ W ≈. ≥8=1≤Z=W≈. COM

Black cats naturally occupy the position of the shoulders of the innocent, and the big and the **** rabbits reunite for a long time with the innocent, and naturally they are not willing to be at home, and the direct fart is followed by the past, only the night suffers. Hey in the dark.

Jun Wuxie walked out from the branch of Lingyao Temple. When he walked through the hall, he happened to collide with Xueer. Xue looked strangely at the men’s dress and stood in the snow. Still the woman with a mask and a silent voice.

This kind of appearance is no stranger to Xueer. Isn't it just the appearance of the first time when Jun No Evil entered the Lingyao Temple?

"Jun Gong... Miss, where are you going?" Cher didn't know how to call it innocent.

She is also strange, Miss Jun is so beautiful, how to prefer to show people in men's clothing, although the dress of this boy is also considered to be a showy, but compared with the original appearance of Jun, it is just like a dusty.

“Where is the totem in the city?” Jun is innocent.

"Ah! You are going there!" Xue suddenly realized that he was just about to open his mouth, but suddenly looked at the woman around him. Suddenly, "The place is quite round, let me take your sister to take you."

The innocent gaze fell on the woman with a mask.

Feeling the innocent eyes of the woman, the woman's body was slightly stiff, and she suddenly lowered her head and did not dare to look at the innocent.

"There is work." Jun is innocent.

The woman shook her head in silence, but she did not say a word. She went straight to the door. It seemed to be the way to lead the king.

Jun No Evil has followed up.

Cher looked at his own sister and the innocent, and left, and squinted, watching the innocent walk out of the Lingyao branch, seeing the black cat on the shoulder of Jun Wuxie, and following the monarch When the two stupid ones jumped innocently, they couldn’t help but smile and laughed. With a happy mood, she went busy again.

Walking out of the Lingyao Temple, the woman wearing the mask has been walking in front of the innocent, and has always maintained a distance not far from the immortal, not close, nor will she lose the evil. Her trace, she is very quiet, did not say a word along the way, but when it comes to the corner, it will stop slightly, watching the innocent, see the innocent to keep up, then continue to go forward.

"This guy is a bit strange." The black cat wrinkled his nose, and a furry tail swayed behind him.

The innocent nature also noticed the woman's abnormality, but she did not feel any hostility from the other side. The person was not dissatisfied with her, more like fearing her.

It’s just that Jun hasn’t thought for a long time, and I can’t remember seeing such a disciple in the Lingyao Temple. I have neither contact nor fear. There is no understanding of the innocent, but there is no deep research. After all, she is not a person who likes nostalgia. Anyone has the habit of living, and she has no right to interfere.

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