Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2149: Heaven falls to the disaster 1

The entrance to the blood, the man lying on the bed, motionless, and the innocent look at him, because the person was so overwhelmed that she could not find any familiar shadows from his facial features. The ruin is so thorough that no one can recognize it, and in the process of treatment, it is even more so that the person can’t help but be exposed to the wounds. Even the scorpion has been seriously injured, and the throat is like a flame. Burned in general, the sound has become distorted. ??八?一中文?W?W(eight)W?. ?8 (eight) 1 (one) Z? W (eight). ?C(一)O?M?

Suddenly, the man lying in bed suddenly moved his eyelids. Although it was extremely slight, he stood up from the chair directly without a horror, and he was not willing to remove his eyes.

The injury on the man has been properly treated under the treatment of the innocent, but he is too heavy, and the wound is deeply visible. The flesh on the face has been rotted, and the carrion is cut off. There is only a thin layer of flesh and blood left on it, which has now been wrapped in layers of gauze.

"Ah!!" A scream came from the population. He suddenly opened his eyes, and the blood-filled eyes were as smashing as they were from the blood!

The man screamed from the bed, and the pair of horrified scorpions frightened and looked at the people in the room. When his gaze fell on the innocent, the body began to tremble uncontrollably. Lived in the innocent sleeves, staring at the eyes and staring at the innocent.

"Save Suya! Save Suya!!!" The hoarse and dry voice made people listen to goosebumps, but the despair and pleading in the voice made people cry.

Jun no evil backhand held the man's arm, he was hurt too much, can not withstand such a large emotional fluctuations, Jun Wuxiu vaguely guessed, this person is so sober, I am afraid that it is no cure for Jun The blood of that can't be separated.

"What happened? You said slowly." Jun no evil under the pressure of the heart, maintaining calm.

The man was slightly shocked, and the desperate moment in his eyes turned into endless pain. He looked down at his hands. The long fingers were wrapped in gauze, and the pain that came from under the gauze made him suddenly return to the nightmare. Among them, he couldn't help but tremble.

"Who are you? What happened to her master?" Jun said that the man suddenly had some embarrassment and could not help but ask.

The man looked at his miserableness now, and there was a groan in his heart. He couldn’t help but hold his face with his hands, and the choked cry continued to overflow from his fingers.

"I am Tianze... Tianze of Yunxiao College..." A few inaudible voices came from the man's mouth.

Unbelievable eyes wide open, looking at the man in front of this person is not a ghost.


I still remember that when she just entered the Yunxiao College, the handsome man who was arrogant, tall and mighty... How could it become the present?

I remember the innocent, Tianze occasionally went to the small attic of Suya, the unspeakable Tianze in the college, in front of Suya, but could not afford to be a little bit hard, often crying by Suya Tears, at that time, Jun knew nothing, and Tian Ze and Su Ya were the brothers and sisters.

Tianze's strength is not weak, only inferior to Suya, but it is also the strength of Yinling. I would like to ask, a silver spirit, in the middle three circles, can almost stand out from the crowd, except for the nine palace owners of the Nine Palaces, who else? Wounded him?

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