Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2150: Heaven falls 2

"Uncle Tian Ze Shi... What the **** is this?" An ominous premonition lingered in the heart of the innocent. Eight? One Chinese network W≈WW. 81ZW. COM

The situation of Tianze is so bad that she can't recognize it at half point. These serious injuries are not the ones left in the ordinary battle, the knife wounds, the burns, the whiplashes... all over the Tianze body, the hard-hearted and handsome man, Tortured people are not like people, ghosts are not like ghosts...

Tianze tried hard to suppress his inner sorrow. He took a deep breath and looked up from the sorrow. The blood-filled eyes looked at the innocent, and revealed the truth that the king was innocent and cold.

After the disciples of the innocent, the Yunxiao College was completely closed, and the original tutors had been dismissed. For some reason, the masters of Tianze and Suya, the dean of Yunxiao College, were not allowed. Do not take the two apprentices away from the Yunxiao College, thus hiding their names and avoiding the pursuit of certain forces.

The strength of the three people is not weak. Even though they are being chased, they still have the ability to protect themselves. But when things are bad, they are in their whereabouts. The other party brought thousands of people and besieged them, even though It is a strong person. In the face of such a huge opponent, it is also a double fist.

In the midst of the war, Tianze and Suya and their masters were dispersed. Although they tried their best and escaped from the siege, they were already wounded. After a few days of escape, they were caught up. Suyahe Tianze was directly locked into the dungeon. Those people did not give up the pursuit of their masters, their real purpose is the Dean of Yunxiao College!

However, the young man who was able to teach the two silver spirits was able to capture them. After searching for half a year, those people did not have any gains. Without helplessness, they vented their anger at Tianze and Su. Ya body.

The injury on Tianze was at that time. When he was arrested, he was already injured. He was detained in the dungeon and no one was healed. The situation in half a year made him and Suya worse. Forced to be sentenced, they even have no chance to resist.

Those people raised the capital punishment on them again and again, forcing them to tell the whereabouts of Master, but they both killed their teeth and half of them were not willing to disclose them.

In desperation, those people came up with the most vicious method. They threw out the almost smashed Tianze and told Tianze that if one month later, their master could not hide, then they would He will publicly execute his sister Suya.

Tianze has escaped all the way. He has already lost contact with the old man. How can he inform him of the news?

In the meantime, he came to this city, he was desperate, but did not expect that he would actually see the innocent in the city for a long time!

At that moment, Tian Ze seemed to have caught the last straw, and rushed to the side of the innocent...

Tian Ze’s nephew was traumatized. During the whole narrative, his words were intermittent, coughing constantly, and a large piece of blood poured out from his mouth. He didn’t care, just wanted to tell everything as soon as possible. .

Wiping off the blood of the corner of the mouth, Tianze stared at the innocent.

"I can't find Master. If there are five more days, they will kill Suya... I can't do anything. Junji, you are the apprentice of Suya. You must save her! They are not people! They will kill. Suya!"

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