Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2151: Heaven falls 3

The innocent hand was held by Tianze, and the strength was so great that the wound that had already coagulated was blasted again. The hot blood was dyed through the gauze, and the red blood was like that. The glare. Bayi? Chinese network?? W?W?W?. ?8 (a) 1 (a) Z (eight) W?. (8) COM

She never thought that the Yunxiao College was a different one, and it almost became her screening with Suya.

She couldn't imagine that her free and unrestrained master had suffered from such torture in the dark dungeons.

"Who did it?" The sound of the innocent became very light, and the breathing slowed down. The slightly raised eyes converge on the murderousness of the sky.

"It is the Nine Palaces." Tianze Road.

"Nine Palaces..." Jun No Evil squeezed these two words out of his teeth.

They dare to!

At this moment, Jun Wuxu finally understood that the reason why Jiugong has been low-key and calm for a long time is that they did not give up the battle with the Twelve Temples, but they have new goals!

"Why do they want to grasp the ancestors?" Jun no evil under the pressure of inner hatred.

Tianze shook his head.

"I don't know. Jiugong had great respect for Master. I never dared to be disrespectful with Master. But this time, things came too suddenly. We are not prepared at all. Do you remember that you were released in advance of Yunxiao College? That is because, before this, Yunxiao College suffered an attack, so Master only felt that things were different. This immediately shut the college and fled with me and my sister. Master did not mention that their purpose is in the end. What is it, just vaguely mentioned, is related to a certain treasure. Those who only get it can achieve their purpose and seem to be related to what kind of law."


There is a loud noise in the mind of the innocent!

Almost in an instant, the words "blood sacrifice ritual" appeared in her mind!

Could it be said that... Jiugong is also involved in the plan of the blood festival of the Three Kingdoms?

What do they want to take from the hands of the little old man?

The huge suspicion in the innocent heart, the clues of chaos, so that she can not clear this all in an instant, she just vaguely felt that the sky in the middle three circles, fear is to change!

"Junxie, there is no time... Those people will kill Suya on the top of the mountain after five days... You must save her!!" Tianze looked desperately at the innocent, he knew that he had proposed this to a younger generation. The requirements are too harsh, but he has no way, can not find Master, Suya will die after five days!

Jun no evil took a deep breath and held the hand of Tian Ze backhand. The cold and clear scorpion overflowed with the unwavering cold light.

"Uncle Shi, you can rest assured that I will save Master."

What about the Nine Palaces?

In order to save Suya, even if she is an enemy of the world, she does not hesitate.

I still remember that Suya once said in the ears of the innocent.

Her apprentices must not be wronged by others. If they have been fighting for nothing, they will fight for themselves. If they can’t fight, her master will help her fight!

The words of the iron skeleton echoed in the chest of the innocent, letting her heart tremble.

Today, Jun No Evil wants to say to Suya.

She is also like this!

Who dares to hurt her master half a point, she will kill him!

Tianze won the promise of the innocent, and the long-term despair has been a little slack. He is really tired. He looks at the innocent, his eyes seem to have a smile, and the moment before he passed out, he couldn’t help thinking.

His sister, did not accept the wrong apprentice!

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