Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2153: Heaven falls 5

Jun no evil went to the room where there was no medicine, standing silently at the table, washing away the blood on his hands with little water, lingering in the chill of her body, letting the nightingales dare not come forward. They clearly felt that this time, the innocent anger was extremely extreme, and the calmness under extreme anger was even more fearful. August 1 Chinese W? W (a) W (eight). (8) 8 (eight) 1? Z? W?. (8) C (eight) O?M

"Night charm, go check and see the movement of the mountain." Jun no medicine trails from the night charm ordered.

"Leader!" The night charm voice landed and disappeared directly into the room.


"Below!" The nightingale came forward.

"Looking at the movement of the Nine Palaces."

"Leader!" The nightingale disappeared.

"Night at night."

"Belongs to the subordinate."

Jun took no medicine to take a jade card in his arms and handed it to the hands of the night alone.

When I saw the jade card at night, my eyes were wide and my eyes were full of incredible.

"Gregory! You are this..." The tone of the night alone revealed his shock and fear.

Jun has no medicine but has waved his hand at random.


I bite my teeth at night, looked at the jade card in my hand, took a deep breath and held it tight.


When I left alone in the night, there was only two people left in the room, and there was no medicine. There was no medicine to get up. I walked to the side of the innocent, watching her almost self-abuse, constantly washing a pair of white hands. I can't wait to scrape the flesh. He can't help but brow his brows. He holds the hands in his hands and puts them in his heart. He pulls the innocent into his arms and presses her little head to let her lean on her. In the arms.

"Nothing, you can certainly save Suya." Jun has no medicine to pacify the innocent, no matter how long he is, no matter how long he does not know, what is her about her relatives, friends and masters? care.

It is precisely because of the insults of the innocent in the world that I have been tortured. I have never had a little warmth. I have never been close to anyone. This world, for ordinary people, the most ordinary love, friendship and love, for her, but Like the gift of God, she never talks about it in her mouth, but for all this, she has already remembered it in her heart, and she can't dig it.

There is no opening in the innocent, and her mind constantly recalls the bits and pieces of the Yunxiao Academy. Tianze’s words are like a nightmare, constantly interspersed in the beautiful memories, a little bit of shredded A beautiful picture of harmony.

Nothing to think about, no matter how terrible it is for those who are tortured to attach to Suya.

"I want to kill them." Jun was silent for a long time, and finally spit out the promise of cold ice.

"Well... well... you have to kill and kill." Jun snorted with no medicine.

The two men embraced each other for a long time, until the innocent emotion finally calmed down. She did not rush to do anything, but wrote a letter in the room, directly let Jun no drug to release the ink snake, the letter Send the next three circles.

Five days, too short, even if the message is sent, I just want to come, I’m afraid it’s too late, but it’s better than not doing it.

At the same time, the woman wearing the mask has already rushed to the main hall of the Lingyao Temple. Because she was not willing to be separated, the moment she was bright, she finally arrived, and she turned down and rushed into the road. In the main hall of the main hall of Lingyao Temple.

Too bright, the temple was cold and clear, only two young female disciples were wiping the floor, and suddenly saw the woman, and they immediately smiled and greeted them.

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