Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2154: Heaven falls 6

"Sister, how come you?" A young girl smiled. Bayi Chinese Network W≈WW. 81ZW. COM

The women have no leisure time to chat with them.

"Where is Your Highness?"

"His Highness is in the bedroom, the sister is you..." The two girls looked at the anxious woman, and the words had not finished yet, and the woman had already rushed past them.

The Lord of the Temple of Lingyao was sleeping in the sleeping hall. The door of the door was knocked open. He opened his eyes fiercely and saw the woman wearing the mask kneeling in front of him.

"His Royal Highness!"

"How come you come back? So what is going on in such a hurry?" The main hall of Lingyao Temple sat up lazily and looked at his disciple with a smile. Now the days of Lingyao Temple are too much, he There is no ambition, but I want to be stable.

"His Royal Highness, Miss Jun is going to be an enemy of the Nine Palaces!" The woman opened the door to see the mountain.

This sentence completely shocked the trace of the dignity of the main hall of the Lingyao Temple to the nine clouds. He suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the woman who was kneeling in front of him.

"What do you say? Jun is no evil to be an enemy of Jiugong? She is crazy!!" The master of Lingyao Temple was shocked. He had seen timidity, and had never seen such a courage. He knew that Jun was innocent. I like to do those unexpected things, and I know that she is capable of turning the sky, but... This has only killed the 12th Temple for a year, how can it be put on the Nine Palaces?

"Mr. Jun's mentor was arrested by the Nine Palaces. After five days, she will be killed with the top of the mountain. Miss Jun is angry and decides to fight for death. She also wants to save people." The woman was anxious.

"What..." The Lord of the Temple of Lingyao was unable to digest this news for a while.

"His Royal Highness! We can't let Miss Jun go alone to help shake the mountain!" The woman screamed on the ground.

The eyes of the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao became extremely complicated.

"The Nine Palaces are no more than the Twelve Halls. The plan of the innocent is inevitable, but this is only five days, only enough for her to rush to Fuyangshan. How can we set up a plan to reverse the situation? This is really too difficult. "The face of the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao is extremely unsightly. Jun has no resurgence for the Lingyao Temple, not only for their revenge, but also for the great river and mountains to hand over the Lingyao Palace, this kindness, to Lingyao. As far as the temple is concerned, it is as strong as a mountain.

"His Royal Highness, is it... We just watched Miss Jun go to death?" The woman choked.

The main hall of Lingyao Temple bite the lip, and his eyes are very tangled.

He believes that if you give the king a year of innocence, there is absolutely no way to annihilate the entire army of Jiugong, but nowadays, there are only five days... What can you do in five days? The road is still not enough, how to plan everything? Jun innocent, such hard fight, clearly abandoned all retreats.

"Why should the Nine Palaces grasp the master of the innocent?"

The woman will retell the words of Tianze.

There was a shock in the eyes of the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao.

"It turns out that... It turns out that... I thought he could escape this robbery... but I don’t know..." The Lord of the Temple of Lingyao sighed heavily.

"His Highness, do you know this?" The woman looked at the Lord of the Temple of Lingya.

The main hall of Lingyao Temple nodded helplessly.

"How do I not know? If the dean of the Yunxiao College was rescued, my Lingyao Temple was afraid that there would be no chance to survive."

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