Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2161: Re-enforcement of the mountain 3

Before Tian Ze said, these people want to catch the old man, in order to force the old man to hand over a treasure, and the treasure is related to the blood sacrifice. ?? Bayi Chinese? W (a) W? W?. (eight) 81ZW. COM

The Blood Festival is the plan of the Upper Three Realms. Before the Nine Palaces, I always respected Fuyangshan. I never had a bit of disrespect, but suddenly I shot... This is not like the style of Jiugong.

"The meaning of Xiao Xie Er is that in the Fuyang Mountain, there are people hiding in the Three Realms?" Jun had no eyebrows slightly raised his eyebrows, and his eyes flashed a bit of killing.

Jun is innocent: "I am not sure, just guessing."

Just from the current situation, the situation is very likely as she expected, if it is really the three realms, then it is obvious that the night charm did not enter the pavilion, it is likely to hide the master of the upper three worlds, so The palace owners of the Jiugong did not come.

However, there is still a thought in the heart of the innocent, she waved the night charm, whispered a few words in the night charm ear, the night charm immediately nodded, and soon disappeared in place, but after a moment, the night charm Returning, just when he returned, he had a set of clothes embroidered with a wolf-shaped totem.

Jun has no time to take over the clothes, put the clothes on under the cover of the unmedicated medicine, and changed the appearance again. At first glance, the emperor who wore the costumes of the Sirius Palace has become a teenager with a ugly appearance.

"There are still three days, I need to check this to help the mountain, what is special." Jun no evil opened his eyes, if it is in the past, she may not dare to mix into the scope of the nine palaces, after all, the nine palaces are not comparable Twelve temples, among which the masters are like clouds, the number of silver spirits is astonishing, but nowadays, the innocent forces are about to break through Jinling. As long as they are below Jinling, they are completely unaware of her. Real strength.

The nine palaces are attached to the Three Realms. This seems to be normal, but if this is the case, then why are the nine palaces of the Nine Palaces closed? Isn't this a good opportunity to be loyal to the Three Realms?

A vague speculation is in the heart of the innocent, so that the more you want to understand the situation in the mountains.

"If you want to check, you will check it. I am guarding you." Jun smiled and picked up a sinless scorpion, and his fingertips squatted casually.

With the strength of no medicine, even Jin Ling, it is impossible to detect his existence, but it is not necessary to change his face.

Jun no evil nodded slightly, and in the last three days, she must hurry!

The sky is getting darker, and the mountain is covered with dark nights. It is replaced with the innocent of the costumes of the Sirius Palace. The figure is petite, hidden and dark, plus her current strength, quietly passing by, soldiers patrolling back and forth. No one even felt.

From the mountainside to the top of the mountain, but for a moment, the hills under the cover of the night, become very quiet, a cluster of fire in the mountains like a dragon slowly across the mountains, the lights are brightly pointed out, only the clouds on the top of the mountain The college is gone.

According to the night charm, the number of people sent by Jiugong to help the mountain is tens of thousands. If the Yunxiao College is wide, it is difficult to accommodate. Most of the people are sent to the mountains and the mountains to stay, and stay at the top. The number is only a small part.

Jun Wuji quietly broke into Yunxiao College. For a long time, she did not think that she once again set foot on Yunxiao College, but it was already a matter of fact.

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