Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2162: Long time no see 1

In Yunxiao College, I used to be familiar with the grass and trees, but the familiar faces have disappeared. On the avenue of the college, several teams are holding rounds of fire to patrol, the closer to the top. The greater the density of patrols, and the Yunxiao College, it is a ten-step post, and it is strictly and strictly. If it is not a sinister, it is already useful enough to compete with Jinling. I am afraid that it is close to the cloud. The college will expose its whereabouts. Bayi? Chinese network W = W ≤ W ≤. ≠8≤1≠Z≠W≤. ≈C≈O≈M

Jun Wuxie was skipped in the darkness. No one noticed it. She did not look for it in the college without aimlessly, but carefully observed the movement of all this.

The night charm has almost turned the entire Yunxiao Academy to the bottom, and the only loft that did not enter, it happens to be the Royal Soul Branch where Jun was innocent!

Jun Wuxie spent a lot of time with Suya in the Royal Soul Branch. Now, outside the Imperial Soul Branch, there is a hint of gloom in the heart, but that point is catalyzing the hatred of her heart.

Rao is the strength of Jun's innocence, or can't feel the breath of anyone in the Royal Soul Branch, but all of this is fundamentally not true, because at this time the Imperial Soul Branch is brightly lit, Jun Innocent and clear, already in the position of the window, vaguely saw a few figures, but she could not perceive the existence of those people.

Sure enough, it is a hand!

The eyes of the innocent eyes were slightly picked up. Before she felt that there was a problem in the place where the night charm could not be explored, now she came personally and determined her own guess. Even the people she could not perceive, the strength must be in Jinlingzhi. on!

Looking at the entire middle three circles, how many Jinling are there? Even if there is a hidden world, it will not pass the number of one hand, but the number of people in the building is clearly more than five people!

Jun is almost certain that Suya is hidden in the Royal Soul Branch!

This speculation has just emerged on the chest. Jun is almost insufficiency and wants to rush into the Royal Soul Branch and rescue Suya, but she finally endured it.

Suya is now in their hands. If he is smashing into the air, even if there is no medicine on the side, but the other party still has the opportunity to kill Suya.

Jun No Essence will never make a joke about Su Ya’s life!

Since those people want to use Suya as a bait, they are forced to show up, and at least until the three-day period, Suya is safe.

The innocent quietly retreats from the darkness, and the cold eyes are filled with a cold cold in the hiding of the night. No matter who, dare to hurt her master, she will let them pay the price of blood!

In Yunxiao College, in addition to the Jiugong disciples who patrolled back and forth, some of the elders of the Nine Palaces occasionally walked through. They were silent all the time. Even if they saw the familiar people, they only met their eyes. The atmosphere in the Yunxiao College was different. At the extreme, it was still at the extreme.

A handsome man with a jug in his hand, walked through the avenue in the college, and the old man who passed by him thought he nodded slightly, but said nothing, just passed away.

The man’s mouth smirked and walked toward his place of residence.

Walking to the dark tree, the man suddenly heard a faint sound, and his footsteps slowed down slightly. A teenager who was dressed in a wolf palace costume came face to face and passed by. The man suddenly stopped his footsteps:

"You stand."

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