Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2179: Bloody battle

Bach, that is the name of the man. Eight?? A Chinese network W = W ≤ W ≤. ≤81ZW. COM

Su Jingyan only listened to Bach’s companion once called his name once, but he already understood that Bach is the commander of this golden spirit. All the Jinling here are obeyed by Bach, and the strength of this person is even their nine palaces. They are extremely afraid.

I still remember that when Bach first brought people to the palace of the Nine Palaces, the nine palace owners saw the moment when Bach appeared, pale and one by one, although they tried to bear it, they were already shaking.

This man has the strength to make the Nine Palaces fear.

Su Jingyan’s heart was tight, and his eyes fell on Suya on the high platform.

The whole body was soaked with kerosene. Under the flushing of the smoldering oil, the blood on her face faded, revealing the color she had. In such a dangerous place, she did not reveal a little bit of fear of death, only calm. ... abnormal calm... as if she was waiting for the advent of death.

Rao knows that Suya is not Bach’s opponent. Su Jingyan still admires the woman silently. She can’t change color under this torture. She doesn’t show any pain. It’s not that she doesn’t hurt, but she doesn’t want to The enemy was slightly weaker in front of her, and her pride did not allow her to show the pain of the enemy's triumph.

She is extremely patient, just for the dignity of man!

Su Jingyan’s breathing became more and more heavy, and his mind continued to show the picture that the night was bound by the innocent.

It’s been three days, but no one has ever seen it. Su Jingyan thought that she would forcibly save Suya in the past three days, but she did not appear in the innocent, she was thinking What?

At the bottom of his heart, Su Jingyan hopes that Jun can be free from giving up the rescue of Suya. After all, it is difficult to save Suya under the eyes of a thousand Jinling, even if there is a evil emperor on the side, this is also Extremely dangerous.

Thousands of thoughts are in my heart, but Su Jingyan knows that he can't do anything. He is the elder of the Sirius Palace. Even if he is dissatisfied with the cruelty and sinfulness of the Three Realms, he can't speak a word, but he is angry with the majesty of the Three Realms. There is only one dead road!

The unusual silence on the entire square, the disciples of Jiugong are afraid of being strong with the black people. Even if they see the so-called sorrowful look of Suya, they dare not make a sound. They can only lower their heads to the limit, but the fire oil The smell, but with the wind into their breath.

A Jiugong disciple secretly clenched his fist. He was hiding among the Jiugong disciples. A pair of burning scorpions crossed the crowd and looked at Suya on the high platform.

"Don't be impulsive, we can't fight them." The companion standing next to him secretly pulled his wrist.

The man bit his teeth, but his eyes were helpless.

He once stood out from the congress, and he was not a disciple of Suya, but he also had several relationships with Suya. If it was not Suya’s unintentional point, he was afraid that he would not have this opportunity. Graduated from the Yunjian College and became a force in the Sirius Palace.

Obviously, he was a teacher of his own profession, but he could only watch Suya suffer from the poison of the three realms. The incompetent condemnation like the ants ate the heart of the disciple.

Not only him, but among the other disciples of the Jiugong, there are also a few men who look awkward. They endure hard and resist.

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