Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2180: Bloody battle

Bach looked up and looked at the sky. There was no expression on the chilly face. The silence in front of the square made people unable to speak. Bayi Chinese Network W≈W≠W=. =8=1≥Z≠W≥. ≈C≤O≥M≈

Suya just looked up hard, and the bright scorpion looked at the clear sky. The light gaze seemed to be in the ordinary place, not the land of life and death.

"You don't have to waste your time, my master will not come." Suya looked at the sky, and suddenly said.

Bach looked the same, but he looked at Suya, who was so embarrassed on the high platform. After the woman fell into his hand, he never said a word again. What kind of coercion, torture, even in her? In front of her, she slapped her long-sighted five-finger roots and turned her younger brother into a disability. She did not speak a word. Today, Suya finally spoke, but it was not what Bach wanted.

"Come and not, not what you have the final say." Bach said coldly.

Suya is a touch of disdainful smile.

"Do you think that if you grab me and my younger brother, you can entice my master to hook up? You are really ridiculous. Should I say that you are childish, or are you stupid? Compared with the three realms, my life is counted again. What? You are useless even if you kill me. If you can't catch my master, you will use such a mean and shameless way to set a trap. Are all the people in the next day so stupid and ridiculous as you?"

Bach's eyes picked up slightly, and a dangerous cold light flashed through his eyes.

Su Jingyan was shocked by the side. He didn't understand what Suya had. The words and sentences were all sent to death. Didn't she know that what she said would make Bach slaughter her under anger? !

Suddenly, Su Jingyan seems to think of something.

The reason why Suya said this is not to know how to live and die, but to be bent on death!

She wanted to force Bach to kill her before her master arrived!

Losing her this chip, her master will never be in danger!

Suya, it is clear that there is already death!

"You only have this point to be able to bear it? A group of no waste, your tricks, the old lady did not look in the eyes, I really feel sad for you." Suya is laughing, laughing at the corner of the blood constantly from her The squat drips, and the laughter echoes in the square, into the ears of people, and hits the soul!

Bach's eyes became more and more gloomy. He looked at Suya with a sloppy look, and suddenly his mouth smirked.

"You don't have to work hard. I won't kill you until sunset. If it's sunset, your uncle's cowardly master is still not there. I will use the most cruel method in the world to torture you a little bit." So, now, save your tongue, wait quietly, wait for your master, will you really save your life, or, as you said, completely abandon you."

Suya’s laughter came to an abrupt end, and she knew that Bach was not subject to her radical approach.

This man, seemingly cold and cruel, is not without a brain. It is not so easy to irritate him.

In the silence, a pair of deserted scorpions, in the dark, watching everything in the square, the **** figure on the elevated, like a soldering iron, branded at the bottom of the eyes, stirred up layers of killing After the masters of the eyes quietly concealed with the crowd, the figure was moving fast, and there was no one to feel the speed!

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