Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2181: Blood Wars 5

The time passed by, the quietness of the square, the oppressive atmosphere, seemed to make the breathing a little hard. August 1 Chinese W ≤ W ≈ W =. ≈8≠1≥Z≥W≈. ≤C≥OM

The sun is empty, it is very noon, the sun from the early morning gentle, turned into a scorching sun, the fire oil spread over Suya, but also because this hot sun has become a little hot, Bach in the picture ordered people to give Suya a few times Dan medicine, the number of times from this medicine alone, can already be seen, Suya is now the end of the strong, relying on the drug to hang the last breath.

What Bach did, as he said, before the sunset, the little old man did not appear, he would not let Suya die.

The worse the state of Suya, she couldn’t provoke Bach to kill her, but under the sun, the hot sun was roasting, and she was so hot that the body that was already exhausted was not able to support it, but she could not support it. This is so, she is almost unable to hold it, and the last piece of power is escaping from her body.

Suddenly, Suya’s eyes flashed a fascinating decision. She opened her mouth and slammed it toward her tongue!

A black shadow flashed past, Bach actually before the Suya bite, hit the high platform, a big hand directly buckled Suya's chin, the power of arrogance, so that Suya could not move half an inch.

"Time hasn't arrived yet, want to die? Not so easy." Bach's eyes flashed a trace of viciousness.

Suya screamed at Bach, and his eyes could not wait to swallow Bach’s life.

Hey, it’s crackling!

Bach directly unloaded Suya's chin, and the dislocated chin decided that Su Yalian's last hope of self-destruction was gone. The twin-skinned scorpion seemed to want to burn Bach into ashes.

"Hate me? Unfortunately, you are so weak, you are destined to be a loser, a pawn, a bait, maybe after your master appears, I should let him look at you bit by bit, tortured to death, and again Or, letting you see his tragic death is also a good choice." Bach's eyes flashed with a sinister, sinister cold, and he would treat Suya's torture as a pastime.

Su Yakou can't speak, can only take advantage of Bach, this vicious man.

Amazingly, a gust of wind screamed into the square, rolling up countless dust!

Bach’s eyes flashed a hint of darkness, while Suya’s eyes were filled with despair.

"Does my apprentice treat me so seriously?" The sorrowful and low voice echoed on the vast square. From the squally wind, a smattering figure suddenly appeared in the eyes of everyone!

The back of the hands and the little old man behind him stood in the sight of everyone, and the old face showed an anger that had never been seen before!

The gust of wind lingering around him gradually dissipated as he appeared, leaving a circle of swirling dust around his body.

Above the square, all the Jiugong disciples were shocked to see the little old man who suddenly appeared. Many of them had practiced in Yunxiao College, so the old man in front of them is again Familiar!

Standing in front of them, isn’t it the dean of Yunxiao College?

The directors of Yunxiao College rarely appear in front of people, but they wear badges bearing the certificate of Yunxiao Academy when they leave, and the badge is a great recognition for everyone. .

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