Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2182: Blood Warfare

Among the impressions of all Yunxiao Academy disciples, their dean, cynical, and laughing all day, did not have the slightest stability and majesty as the dean, more like an old urchin. ?八一中文??网?W≤WW. 81ZW. COM

But today, the dean who stood in front of them was the opposite of their memory!

Although his back is awkward, his gaze has already passed away. The thick flames are burning in his eyes, and the powerful momentum that surrounds him is shocking!

This is the dean of Yunxiao College?

The old urchin who is idle and idle during the whole day?

The image in memory is far from reality, and everyone has been stunned for a while.

Bach looked at the little old man standing in front of him, and the blunt mouth was finally raised with a smug smile.

"It seems that your apprentice doesn't know you either. She insists that you won't come, but you are still here." Bach glanced at the anxious Suya and looked at the little old man proudly.

The little old man half squinted, the dangerous breath lingered around him, and when he saw Suya, his heart was picked up in an instant.

Suya was the first apprentice he received. During his lifetime, he only received two apprentices. One was Suya and the other was Tianze. These two were originally abandoned orphans. When I came back, I was raised in the Yunxiao College. The younger children who grew up in the language of the teeth, the bright and bright women and the handsome and handsome men, not so much, Suya and Tianze are his apprentices, it is better to say that it is more like His sons and daughters.

The daughter who raised her own hands was abused by Bach. The smile of the young man’s millennium was finally collapsed at this moment. The anger of Haotian had erased the smile of his mouth. He looked at him constantly. Suya, who shook her head, she was so hurt, even the amount of shaking her head was so light, it is conceivable that her situation is so bad today.

"Yeah, she doesn't know enough about me, just like you." The old man's mouth raised a sneer. He looked at Bach and said, "You know, what is the consequence of hurting me?"

Bach did not agree: "The consequences? What are the consequences of me, I don't know, but your consequences, I can already expect." Bach's words fell to the ground, his right hand also waved!

In a flash, nearly a thousand black men after the Xiangyun stone statue came out in a flash. In a flash, they surrounded the little old man and blocked all the roads.

The old man’s cold eyes swept over the group of black men around him, and there was a hint of killing in his eyes.

"The consequence of yours is to be shackled here, but I can give you another choice." Bach smiled coldly: "If you hand over the soul, I will let your apprentice, and you will have to die for death. To redeem your sin of stealing soul bones!"

"Stealing?" The old man suddenly laughed, his laughter was full of ridicule. "The soul bone never belongs to your master. You try to use the soul bone to reach the plan of your blood sacrifices. It is simply a dream." You don't want to find the whereabouts of the soul bones in your life!"

Blood Festival Three Realms!

If you are a little old man, let the disciples of the nine palaces stay in the woods. Even if they are stupid, they will never miss the meaning of the old man.

What is the purpose of this group of black people... What is it?

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