Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2183: Bloody battle

For a time, the silent voice of the Jiugong disciples sounded a voice of discussion. The words "blood sacrifice three circles" were too amazing for them. They could hardly believe it if they heard it. Bayi? Chinese network W (a) W? W (eight). ?8?1 (one) ZW. COM

Under the panic of the Jiugong disciples, only the elders of the palaces remained silent. In their faces, they could not see a little surprise and panic. They only had a helpless decadence. They had already known all this, but they never told the ordinary. Disciple.

Bach’s eyes suddenly cooled down, and the ice-covered scorpion swept over the nine-room disciples who had been talking about it. A smattering of his eyes appeared in his eyes. He suddenly raised his hand and flashed a golden light, standing at the forefront. The moment when a Jiugong disciple was touched by Jin Guang, the whole person exploded in an instant!

The bright red blood mixed with the flesh and the internal organs cracked and spattered around.

The nine Jiugong disciples who were still whispering with the man were full of flesh and blood of their companions. They widened their eyes, and their mouths were still contaminated with warm blood. Only then was a living person, so they were in front of them... opened!

The thick **** smell spread throughout the square. The original voice of the discussion was also disappeared by the scene of this cruel and **** scene. On the square, it was attributed to calmness, the silence brought by death...

Bach's cold scorpion swept through the nine-room disciples who were not guarded by the soul. From the bottom of his heart, he did not put this group of waste in his eyes. If he was not strange to the three realms, why should he be so burdened?

"Let me close your mouth. If I let me hear a little bit later, I don't mind letting you never open your mouth." Bach's haze threatened that the scorpion like a snake snake swept everyone. All the Jiugong disciples who had been swept by his gaze couldn’t help but scream, fearing to smother them, and even breathing became difficult.

The old man’s brows were wrinkled. For Bach’s cruelty, he had already expected it, but he didn’t want to... even for his own men, Bach was so mad.

Perhaps, Bach has never regarded this group of nine disciples as their own, and the Jiugong disciples are in his eyes, perhaps just a group of dogs raised in the three worlds when they are bored.

Killing a dog, what is wrong with Bach?

The disciples of the Nine Palaces are completely snoring, but from their fearful eyes, it can be seen that for Bach’s cruelty, they dare to speak out, and some disciples can’t help but look at their elders. I thought the elders would be theirs. Standing out and saying a few words, but I don't want to, the elders of the Nine Palaces chose silence at this moment. They even dared not look back at the eyes of those disciples who turned for help. They could only bow their heads and look away.

The strength of the upper three worlds, and where they are resisted by the nine palaces, do not want to say these ordinary disciples, even if they are elders, and Bach’s eyes are just a group of slaughtered lambs, even their palace owners. I’m afraid I can’t go anywhere.

Fear and anger spread among the Jiugong disciples. The fear overwhelmed the anger and made them choose silence. The thick blood smell stimulated their nerves and made them tense.

After Bach killed the chicken and apes, he looked at the little old man, and the haze of his eyes did not hide.

"What about the Three Boundaries of Blood Festival? Are you trying to provoke the rebellious heart of this group of waste? I advise you to save some strength. Since it is here today, there is no room for living to leave!"

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