Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2184: Bloody battles 8

Bach’s words shook the surrounding Jiugong disciples, and they were clenched with fists and filled with anger. August 1st? Wenwang?W≈W≤W. 81ZW. COM

Bach did not care at all. Is it true that in the face of these people, he said that the number of people in the three circles of the above three circles is enough to destroy all the people on the hill, but all the disciples of the Jiugong will dare to resist, and he will make an order. Kill them together with them!

Therefore, Su Jingyan, these elders, did not dare to move, nor could they move. They could not fear life and death, but they could not bring the entire Nine Houses into distress.

Bach's mania made the old man's face more and more ugly.

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and everything is a dog. The Upper Three Realms really think that everything in this world can be disposed of like your likes and dislikes! I am afraid, you still have no such qualification!"

Bach sneered: "There is no such qualification? If you become a king, you will die today, why bother!" Bach raised his hand and gestured to the surrounding black man to surround the old man!

A thousand Jinling!

What a terrible power, Suya stood on the high platform, obviously it was a hot sun, but she felt that it was like a hail, and she was unable to speak. She could only speak anxiously at the old man, in vain. The voice of ah, seems to be urging the departure of the little old man.

She is now the end of the strong, even if it is saved, there is not much time, Su Yawan does not want his master, because of himself is in danger!

The voice of Suya is such a hollow in the silent square, and the shouting voice makes the eyes of the little old man extremely deep.

The little old man no longer looked at Bach, but looked at the anxious, almost mad Suya with a very gentle look.

"Xiao Yaer, you are waiting for the teacher, and will take you home soon." The smile raised on the face of the little old man is like a father's kindness.

Suya’s eyes were wet in an instant.

She does not want!

She doesn't want, Master is **** for her!

Suya’s heart is roaring, but no one can know the despair in her heart.

A thousand gold spirits, step by step, the golden spirits that linger on those black men are so eye-catching, echoing the sun of the sun.

Like a huge golden circle of fire, they narrowed the encirclement a little bit, and a pair of hot eyes locked in the old man's body.

"Poor you an old bone, but also with this Qianjinling confrontation, be careful, don't fold the bones, and fall into a terrible end." Bach stood on the high platform, arrogant and cold looking at the besieged old man.

"Don't kill him, kill him, and leave a sigh of relief."

This sentence, cruel and shocking!

At the moment when Bach’s voice landed, a golden spirit was very close to the old man, and his body instantly turned into a golden light, rushing toward the old man!

Everyone's heart mentioned the blind eyes in an instant!

The Jiugong disciples widened their eyes and made a cold sweat for the little old man. They did not want Bach to win in their own hearts!

"Don't be self-sufficient!" Suddenly, a low drink came from the mouth of the old man, and Jinguang was not close to him half an inch, but he was suddenly shot out by an invisible force!

The black man who was shot was squirting a blood, and fell heavily on the ground!

At this moment, a strong hurricane rose from the feet of the little old man! The wind whistling, and outside the little old man's body, formed a barrier that shredded everything!

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