Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2193: You have to fight, I will fight for 7 monthly tickets.

The battle continued to heat up, and the blood flowed into the river on the three sides of the battlefield. Even the little old man is now scarred, lacking the spiritual ring, and being rebelled, so that his strength cannot be waved. Eight? One? Chinese network? W ≥ W ≠ W ≈. ≥8=1≤Z=W≈. COM

In the past, one minute and one second, Jin Ling’s damage, though not many, was innocent and they were caught in a hard battle.

"Little devil, this is what you said to pay back your teeth, blood to pay for blood? Hahaha! It is ridiculous!" Bach will fly innocently, watching the innocent fall to the ground, leaving under the mask The blood is bloody, and his smile is more and more mad.

If it weren't for the eccentric armor of the innocent, Bach had the confidence to kill him, but even so, it took a little time, and the final result would not change!

Jun has no hands to support the ground, the body of the Sen Luo armor has been fragmented, the skin exposed to the armor is covered with scars, her body has been soaked by blood, but the cold, the hazelnut, but not a little bit Fear, but steadfastly staring at Bach.

"How? Still not dying? Do not say that you have not become Jinling, even if it is Jinling, in my eyes, it is just an ant that can be crushed at will." Bach sneered.

Jun Wuxie silently took out a bottle of medicinal herbs and poured it into the mouth. When she raised her hand, her eyes passed over the gravel scattered on the ground. The flame on the ground was not extinguished, and the temperature on the square continued to rise. It has already made people feel very difficult.

A cold light, sweeping through the eyes of the innocent, she suddenly stood up, the figure slightly shaking, but the steady light sword in his hand supported the body.

Still a little bit, hold it for a while!

Just a moment!

Bach smiled and looked at the innocent. In his eyes, the innocent persistence was very ridiculous, and he knew that he was invincible. He knew that he was sending him to death, but he insisted on not retreating.

There is such an idiot in the world!

"Little devil, you are really stupid and incorrigible. Suya has not lived for a long time. Tell me the truth, even if I don't kill her today, she will live for three days with her injury. Oh... I I almost forgot. Early this morning, I ordered someone to give her something. There are those things in it, let alone three days, and whether I can support the past tonight is also unknown. For such a dying person, It’s ridiculous to give up your life.” Bach smiled extremely cruelly. He knew that the innocent and the old man would kill Suya, but he exposed the **** truth to the innocent.

They saved, but they are just a person who is about to die.

This cruelty gave Bach great joy, and he was happy to see the painful eyes of the innocent.

However, in the eyes of the innocent, there is no fluctuation of emotions. Only the full-fledged killings are not reduced.

"She is my master."

Even if it is a dead person, as long as she breathes, she will save!

Bach’s eyes were cold, and his mouth smirked with disdain.

"So the teacher and the teacher are deep, then I will send you to Huang Quan to open a way for your master!" Bach raised his hand cruelly, and the innocent is the end of the strong, can not stop his attack.

Just as Bach was ready to start, suddenly a roar came from the entrance to the square!

Bach looked at it in a blink of an eye, but he saw that a group of people who were crushed by black were screaming into the square!


The front continues to be high-energy, continuous high-energy pleading for monthly passes, and the monthly ticket list is so fierce that everyone can help the little evil spirits win a game.

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